
Depressed and lonley?

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I have like no friends, my 11 yr old sister is always nasty to me. I am a nice person and am always getting stepped on no matter where i am. Its at home, school, camp. My mom has like a problem with food and monitors what food i eat, i have told her like 50 times to stop but she never seems to listen. My cousin told me i am chubby when i just have a stomach. My grandpa said he hates my hair. I just feel self-conscience to get into a bathingsuit now, i just have such a negative attitude from everything. Any advice?




  1. I was made fun of by everyone my entire life. I was always too thin (when I was younger) then too fat (as I got older), my teeth were too big, I had no fashion sense, and I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was almost 19, but now I am 22, married, I have lost the weight and have a lot of friends who care about me. The younger years are always the hardest because kids can be so mean. Love yourself, the rest will come in time.

  2. Sweety, I read one of your answers to a question and it gave me a little more insight as to what type of person you are, you do seem very nice but you need to gain certainty about yourself and where there is a will, there is always a way. Giving up should never be an option. Do you have a journal? You need to write in it every day and get feelings out and that helps to reconfirm what it is that you want out of life and then you can start drawing up your own boundaries as to who you ar as a person and start gaining respect from the people around you, be nice and know who you are and if people don't agree with the choices you make, tell them you never know unless you try. Don't be afraid to be you, who ever that may be! Write in your journal, it will help alot. Try getting ahead of your Mom about the food monitoring, keep a food journal, if she sees you being responsible she is likely to back off. Good Luck!

  3. Ignore the people putting you down, just be happy being you. Ignore all the negative comments. So what if someone doesn't like your hair - if you do thats all that matters. As for your mum controlling what you eat - as long as your not over-eating tell her to stop controlling you.

    Good luck.  

  4. im so sorry i get that way too,u will make it i know u will

  5. don't worry. u just have to stand up for yourself. tell them how you feel.

  6. first thing first--just do not care what others have to say about you, if someone isbeing nasty--either ignore her/him, or tell them to go & mind their own business. second-- go &see some competent dietecian, he/she will give you advice how to shed excess weight. third--moms will always be moms they love you and what ever thay do is out of love, do not mind her in any way. fourth--your grandpa hates your hair, thats funny, tell him that you at least have some hair good or not so good, but he does not have any!!!! ha ha!!, enjoy life you are young whole of life is in front of you. just do not bother about small silly things in life, people talk, let them, forgive their pettiness.

  7. sounds like abuse and simply sheer hate to me. this all coming from the very people who are supposed to love you ( family)! heres some advice I gratefully followed due to my own disfunctional and toxic "family".I found my own family!! meaning this; I stayed away from them as much as I could and as I grew older and gained my independence I cut them off completely ( I did attempt to renew my relations with them with no success). in the mean time,I gained a family of my own by surrounding myself with people who truly respected and cared for me. just remember this; they do not define who you are only you do!! i don't know how old you are but know this; no matter the age of experiencing such adversity you will only get stronger in every way. just start if you haven't already making new and healthy relations (and always safely!) that will bring only friendships as well as healthy role models that will make up the family everyone needs and deserves!! please don't listen to them they're just trying to bring you down thinking that it builds them up when really they are the ones who will truly be alone (if they keep up that behavior). sorry so long but, your experience is very similar to my own.

  8. Not one of these people who are criticizing you is perfect themselves. Shame on them for being so mean! I am sorry you are stuck in such a hurtful situation. Growing up is hard. My best suggestion to you is to be strong and work on having the attitude that what other people think is not important to you. Be your own best friend and remember when someone insults you, it really just demonstrates their own character (or lack of it). Our physical bodies are just the vehicles our souls ride around in and not one person on earth is perfect. Go ahead and wear your swim suit and to h**l with anyone who doesn't like the way you look. You will be fine, dear. Once you are all grown up, you will be able to make your own decisions and avoid negative people. Until then, try to be strong and don't worry about physical things. They are just not important.

    Take care.  
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