
Depressed and sucidal teen, please hepl!!?

by  |  earlier

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im 14 years old and 4 around six months ive been feelin really deprssed. ther av been alot ov arguments in the house and fighting is regular. Things get really physical and if i try 2 ignore it all, theyll just follow me, its been really getting to me and lately ive found it really hard to cope with it all. ive been self harming for ages now, and lately ive been getting suicidal thoughts. ive even tried slitting my wrists. wt shud i do??




  1. You must get help asap. Dont go on feeling like this! Try speaking to your doctor or school nurse/councillor or if you are frigtened to speak to someone face to face try calling a young persons helpline. Dont do nothing or you will never feel better. let someone know how you are feeling. Good luck hope it works out well :)  

  2. Visit a psychiatrist asap!

  3. first of all u need to pray about it im mean really  hard next try to go and stay at one of ur relatives place just to get away and tell them what going on. but what ever u do dont kill urself. and if it comes down to it self-defense i will pray for u, keep ur head up

  4. I think you should talk with a friend or a school need help!  look in your phone book for a crisis number or call 911.

  5. Hi, firstly I'm so sorry that u r having 2 go through this, as at 14 I feel it's alot 4 u 2 understand & cope with...But reality is u r & if u cannot talk 2 other family members, friends or feel that school councilors r not the answer as they tend 2 b a bi off putting...There r several phone lines that r free & the advisers have all been in or experienced similar situations, so they can see & tell it 4 what it is...No one is ever alone & I know u feel it at times & cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, but u have taken the 1st step by opening up here...Its not the best place 2, but u have started the ball in motion, which I admire & respect that u feel isolated....If u would like me 2 answer & keep chatting 2 u then please send me a message...I am a 48 year old Nana & have 2 kids that's now married & happy & I also have 4 Grand kids...14, 10, 7 & 3..the eldest at 14 is a young lady & I try 2 constantly b there 4 her no matter hat & try my very best not 2 judge her....I hope tis helps...

  6. Try talking to coucillor at school . Don't do anything to hurt yourself. Just try and wait it out and look for helplines and people who can help you.

  7. Seek help you are better of out side your house, it will be legal and mental from here on out.

  8. Please see a school counselor or a shrink.  It will do you good.

  9. You need to continue asking this question on Yahoo.  As long as you do this you won't be able to cut yourself.

    Have a jolly day!

  10. You have taken a brave first step seeking help on yahoo answers.  The bad part about yahoo answers is that there is no real person to person contact so it more difficult to get to know you and help you.  I suggest that you talk to your school counselor as this will give you an opportunity to express your feelings in person.  Its kind of hard to take that step to actually tell your problem to a real person.  I too had a problem with the stresses of life while in college.  Fortunately for me I was able to make myself go to get counseling.  For the most part, the counselor just listens to you and as you speak your worries and difficulties in life you begin to hear yourself from a 3rd person point of view.  This can be very therapeutic so I highly recommend you go visit your counselor.  You owe yourself your life, please consider how precious you are.  

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