
Depressed person needs a total memory lost pill or something!?

by  |  earlier

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hi, im 18 years old and i have been in 6 physciatrist and 2 therapists and none of them helped me even my family are starting to give up on me. i have 3 major personality disorders, suicidal intentions and depressed for the last 5 years so i just wanna ask if there is such thing that can totally whipe out my entire memory like some kind of pill or a operation that removes every single memory in your head like when you were a baby you dont know anything. this is my last option otherwise im finished! pls someone tell me something like that exist :(

also dont tell me to see another councelor, therapist or physciatrist because their useless and i will NEVER again go to another one and i wont change my decision. also dont tell me "Pray to God" or something that involves religion, i DONT believe in god, heaven, h**l, etc and will NEVER will, we have different beliefs and values so dont try change my point of views.




  1. If you will get ElectroConvulsive Therapy you will forget a lot of things. It can cause permanent damage from burns to your brain which will cause permanent memory loss. It will be done under anesthetic so you won't feel anything during a treatment. And you will forget. It is like cooking your brain in a narrow channel from the front to the back. Kind of like a small lobotomy.  

  2. Electro shock therapy, if placed in the right position, will wipe your memory.

  3. No, there's no memory loss pill, sorry. Try watching this video on youtube. Follow this guy's instructions, even if they feel stupid.

  4. Nah man just see your community herbalist,watch a funny movie,life is going to be alllllrighhht.; /

  5. Yes, electro-shock therapy can wipe out your memories, but it is only used on very rare occasions on those who respond to NO other treatment. It can have some pretty serious side effects like inducing epilepsy (seizures), cardiac rythym abnormalities, and of course, selective memory loss.

    Sodium Pentothal and other short acting barbiturates can do the same thing, but must be administered by a doctor as they can also have serious side effects.

    You've got to remember that you are 18. Your hormones are out of whack, and that can really mess with your mind. It did when I was your age.

    You may need to try new medicines or a change of situation. A lot of depression is the result of situation and setting. Remember, you are the best advocate for your health you can have. It's ultimately up to you to do whatever it takes to best your depression. I promise it will get better with age!

    Good luck!

  6. Have you considered electro shock therapy?  I've not had it done but have heard that it can be an effective way to get restarted. Do some research on it and find out if it's something you would even consider.  

  7. Their is no such pill.

    I would recommend you call the suicide hotline. I understand first-hand how depression affects us. I've been though it. It will pass with time. Just don't give up hope. I mean that from the bottom of my heart.

    its 800-273-TALK. they don't even ask you your name. just talk to them. they will help you. trust me.

    good luck and I wish the best to you and your future. email me if you need anything. i won't judge you, i promise.

  8. the only way to lose you memory forever that I can think to become a vegetable.

    I just will say I HAVE FELT that same way. and have tried to kill myself so many times I can't count.

    I'm 39 know I found out the if you don't help your self nobody can.


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