
Depression, cant sleep, run down, need help!?

by  |  earlier

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Ok im going to see the doctor tommorrow because ive been suffering from deppression laitley to the point where its making me physicaly ill. I cant sleep at night because of it and its making me feel realy ill.

Has been now for months!

Im quite scared about talking to my doctor about what i should do.

Can anyone suggest how i should go about tellin the doctor aout this.

Or has any one got any ideas on how i can get some sleep and stop feeling so run down all the time?




  1. Just be honest with your doctor; that's the only way he/she can help you get better. Good luck!

  2. Just tell your doctor what is going on, what bothers you, just everything. That way he/she can prescribe the correct antidepressant or whatever.

    If you had asked a week ago I would have suggested some over the counter sleep aid, tylenol pm, something like that.

    He will probably give you something to help you sleep, that works great.

    check this site out;

    Hope all goes well tomorrow.


  3. be honest its easier than everyone finding out a different way. I waited too long and everyone found out cuz i tried to kill myself. anyway be honest and everything will be ok. he can help get you meds if you need them

  4. I doubt there are not many quick fixes for you tonight, especially if you have been having this problem for months.  

    A good thing for you to try is to make sure that your sleeping quarters are suited for just sleeping.  No TV or loud stereo.  Dim lights and/or a darkened room.  Anyother distraction elimnated or kept to a minimum.  No eating less than 2 hours before bed, especially spicy or greasy foods.  No exercising less that 2 hours before bed either.  

    And be sure to  say your prayers.  You may not be a religious person, but this one really helps me.

    Have you been diagnosed by a trained mental health professional?  Did that person say that you have depression?  Or, are you feeling or have you read something somewhere which makes you believe that you are clinically depressed?

    If you feel that you are depressed without having an evaluation done,  you are very in tuned with your body and mind.  This is very important.  

    Feel free to communicate your feelings and thoughts to your doctor.  They won't be able to help you unless you can relate your symptoms.  Don't be afraid to talk with them.  They should be very understanding and listen carefully to you.  Besides, they probably have heard it all already!

    Depression causes a lot of physical problems as well as the mental ones.  You are very wise in seeing a doctor tomorrow.  Is it your regular physician?  He or she can help to determine if there is any physiological reasons for your depression and lack of sleep.  

    Or, are you going to see a  psychiatrist or psychologist?  Either one  will be very knowledgeable about  mental health issues.

    A psychologist can provide talk-therapy for you.  Counseling is also important, whether you are on meds or not.  Like my counselor says, I need to undo my "wacky" thinking to better understand my situation.  Counseling always compliments any treatment that you may be on.  

    If you do need them, a psychiatrist is only the best one who can prescribe psych medication.  They are trained  to know what meds work best for a given person.  They also know what side effects a med may have or what possible reactions there may be.  My own family doctor told me this.  He refuses to prescribe any of them for me.  

    Some words of advice if you are placed on medication:  

    Be sure to contact the prescribing doctor immediately if you are feeling the least bit unusual or your symptoms increase.  Just remember that most psych meds  usually take about 2-3 weeks to build up in your system to be affective.  Give them a chance.

    Also, meds can work differently for different people.  Give your psychiatrist a chance to find the right combination that will work for you.  Again, always compliment the meds with counseling.  

    By all means, keep communication lines open with your doctor.  Ask questions and make comments about anything you do not understand or that you feel uneasy about.

    Don't do like I did.  I let things go for too long and it was almost too late.  Now, with help of my psychiatrist, my counselor, and my deep and abiding faith in God, I have really made progress.  I am seriously on the road to recovery.  That last one about God has really put me over the top.  Again, you  may not be a religious person.  However, this is what works for me.

    God bless  you.  I pray that His guardian angels be with you tonight.  Go with the grace of God.

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