
Depression, what do I say at the doctor's?

by  |  earlier

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I want to call and make an appt. w/ my family dr. to get on anti-depressants. The thing is that this is my family dr. from when I was a young girl, and now my 2 daughters go to him for their immunizations and check ups. So I feel stupid and akward even calling to ask for anti-depressants. What should I say? He isn't the kind of doctor who writes prescriptions for everything, so I am also cocerned that he will turn me away w/o a prescription. When I went to him before, I was sick for a cpl. week I thought it was a sinus infection & wanted anti-biotics but he wouldn't give me them. I can't go to a diff. dr. b/c of my insurance.




  1. Don't take anti depressants, all they'll do is **** up your life even more!

  2. Well, you don't go in there asking for a prescription, that's for them to decide, which they will.  Just answer questions honestly and they'll ask things like whether you've experienced a loss of appetite, are you crying uncontrollably and what do you think would have happened if you didn't come in today.  BTW, doctors don't just give away antibiotics because they tend to do more harm that good to a virus.

  3. You need to tell him exactly how you're feeling. Depression is a serious problem and you are right in telling a dr. about it. He'll probably respect you for it. He has known you for a long time and would know if you go to him and ask for meds for frivolous reasons.

        If he's any kind of doctor he'll listen and want to help.

  4. Please, the last thing you should feel is awkward, embarrased or ashamed. Though some people take anti-deppresents when they really don't need them, I suggest you don't just go to a doctor but rather a phycologist who can determine weather or not you are deppressed within a few visits...

    when they ask what is the nature of your visit, don't be shy and just say "deppression"

    good luck,

    I hope you get better

    If you'd like to contact me regarding advice on deppression

    (since I have it too) just message me (username below)


    Cameron Doerr                 USERNAME:       camerondoerr

  5. Start by not jumping to a conclusion.  Make an appt for a check up.  Describe your symptoms, how long, and what you've already tried to change your mood (diet, exercise, etc).  If it's too bad to do these things, say so.  If you are totally miserable, say so.  If it's more moderate, say that.  Be honest.  Ask if there's something medical (thyroid, blood pressure, etc) because that could be your problem.  Let him diagnose you, he is the doctor.  Ask what can be done.  This can work just like any other illness.  If he blows you off, then comb your insurance plan, or scrape together pennies for another doctor.  The actual visit isn't so expensive.  It's the medication that adds up.

  6. Before you try anti-depressants, I would recommend doing some exercise. It has shown to increase self-esteem and distract you from your worries. Whenever I feel down, I just go for a bike ride; it helps. :)

  7. i live with post partum depression and it was ebarassing becuase i thought your soposed to be happy with children, but you have to go see a doctor with depression becuase it only gets worse and more worse through the months. and sooner or later you wont even get out of bed. just go make an appointment with the doc, and just flat out tell him look, im starting to feel sad all the time, im becomeing lazy and unmotivated, (if your children seem to be getting on your nerves definately go see your doc) and any other symptoms like that. he will give you a anti depression pill for sure they push them like candy anyways.

  8. Hmm, something is wrong if a physician won't give you a prescription that you NEED. Hopefully what you thought was a sinus infection wasn't and that's why he didn't give you the prescription, but depression is a very real and serious condition and if he refuses to prescribe something to help you you should really look for another doctor anyway.

    But as far as what you should tell him, just be honest about how you have been feeling. Make sure you actually say that you feel depressed but also tell him of your other symptoms, i.e. fatigued, irritable, etc.

    If he gives you a hard time about it get in touch with your insurance and find out what you can do to get a second opinion. Surely they must allow for that.

    I hope your doctor helps you with what you need and remember that your doctor's primary objective is your health and well being

    --not HIS OWN agenda.

    Best wishes

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