
Depression - A chemical imbalance?

by  |  earlier

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I have suffered depression in the past due to an eating disorder, i saw a councilor and took aantidepressantsfor what i think was about 2 to 3 years. I still have problems with food/eating but no where near as bad as i used to be before i got help.

Anyway, earlier this year i weaned off the aantidepressants(fluoexetine)

In the beginning of this year and had been feeling okay until lately

The past four or five weeks ivI'veelt really tired, weak and miserable. But i dont even know why.

What i was wondering was, is it possible that im not actually depressed about anything and that it's a chemical imbalance in ME that makes me feel this way no matter what?

should i go back to my doctor ?

Id really appreciate any help or advice anyone can give on this...




  1. go see your doctor

  2. Depression IS a chemical imbalance, you don't have to have a reason to be depressed, some people just are.  You need to talk to your doctor right away and let him/her know what you are feeling.

  3. yes, you should go back to your doctor.

    or, alternative answers:

    you can try volunteer work

    you can work hard and keep your mind too tired to feel depressed (not a good choice in my opinion, but some people do it anyways... makes extra bits of money, but still not very healthy)

    you can exercise till your drop.  (fun and funny idea, and very healthy too actually, except if you do it 7 days a week...take a day or two off...but hard to incorporate into today's society of longer amounts of time in it's demands of it's people. might get tired of it too)

    You can find a relationship (but it might only make it twice as worse... and the odds of that happening are almost 7/8 with today's "sarcastic-always on the go-ill humored" friendships that feast off other's emotions.

  4. clinical depression IS caused by a neurochemical imbalance, and yes you need to go back to your doctor and get back on meds.

  5. It's possible it could be a chemical imbalance but there are also endless reasons it could be. When you say you feel low - you have not long been off prozac which takes about month to completely leave your system. (i too had an eating disorder and went on fluoxetene - I'm off it now - I did get quite low for a while - I think I just got kind of used to it - but i think my balances are starting to get better) Your weight wil have the biggest effect on your mood - I get depressed when I'm struggling with the ED, and I might not even think it's that until I really take time tot think about it (I have to push it to the side of my mind to carry on with life!)

    ED's are due to a low self esteem - and when you'r recovering it takes away the shield that the ED put up and so you feel again - and this is a good thing! it means now you can begin to look at YOU and realise where this low esteem is coming from.

    I would recommend starting something new that gives you drive - maybe a training course in something a bit different (could be learning to give massages -or even something like working with kids) and this will give you something to look forward to!

    I could be completely wrong - but I think it's just gonna take a while for the chemicals in your brain to adapt to normal again - you've had lots of extra happy chemicals put in your brain and now they're gone your brain will be trying to get it' own balance back to normal!

    I wouldn't hesitate to see your doctor (pychiatrist especially)

    I hope this helps!

  6. Definitely go back to your doctor.  I hope that it is a psychiatrist.  My own family doctor recommends this to me.  He realizes when there is a serious problem which probably needs medication that the best one to see is a psychiatrist.

    It has been shown that an imbalance in the brain chemistry can be one of the causes of a person's feelings, both mentally and physically.  There is a definite connection between this unbalance and depression.  Some people may not have as deep of a depressive disorder as  you have described.  They may be able to attack the problem with talk-therapy.

    However, a serious depression, especially one that has occurred on and off for years, needs to be addressed by a trained mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist or a psychologist.  

    A psychiatrist is the only one that can prescribe psych medication correctly.  They are trained in what will work best for a person.  They will also know what side effects and/or reactions that can occur from taking a certain medicine.

    The psychiatrist will surely recommend  counseling.  This is a must.  Meds can only do so much.  Counseling is needed to compliment the meds to undo any "wacky" thinking (This is what my counselor calls it. :-)  ) that can be contributing to a mental disorder.

    Another thing that really works for me is meditation and prayer.  You may not be a religious person.  But it does work for me.  Nothing can beat talking (praying) to God whose is the Great Healer and Physician.

    I hope this helps.  Don't do like I did and leave things go unchecked for years. (I am in my fifties.)  A person needs to get help early.  After all, there are so many wonderful things to be enjoyed in life.  A person shouldn't let things like their health get in the way.

    God bless you.  I'll keep you in my prayers.  Go with the grace of God.

  7. I think you need to see you doctor and also I would suggest going to a program called Over eaters Anonymous. It helped me with food addiction and maybe it can help you. They are listed on line and in the phone book.  

  8. The answer to your question is two-fold.

    Situational depression is not necessarily a chemical imbalance.  This is depression that is the direct result of a situation like death, the break up of relationship, any other significant loss (like financial), etc.

    When depression is not situational, then it is a chemical imbalance in your brain and medications are often helpful (as is therapy).

    The first thing you have to do is qualify "which" type of depression you have by seeking professional guidance.  From what you've said in this forum, it would seem a trip back to your doctor is definitely in order.  Please don't put it off until you find yourself in worse shape than you are in now.

    Good luck!

  9. I myself suffered depression in the past to, and was put on fluoexetine to (am not on it anymore) id say it could be a chemical inblance you just never know. If it lasts more than 2 weeks id say go see a doctor they will know whats right for you. If your depression is severe id say go for medication if it is mild try things like exercise, write your thoughts down etc hope i helped and take care! Gina

  10. Depression IS a chemical imbalance...go see your might not be able to NOT take the is there and it just doesn't go away...

    boy I wish it would go away.......

    good luck...

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