
Depression PM DD hypersensitivity to drugs!

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I am a 30 year old mother of 3, I have battled depression and panic attacks most of my life. I react to SSRI's (HUGE PANIC ATTACKS) and trycyclics do nothing but leave me in a depressed state of fudginess. I suffered extreme postpartum depression and now my youngest is 3 i seem to be experiencing to worlds worst pms. Its taken me this long to realise all my 'insanity' is linked to my period.. i have a 3 week cycle, so i have about 6 'normal' days every 3 weeks. I am becoming more and more phobic- of travel, new people, pills (even antibiotics!). I am at the end of my tether and am living on 2-5mg of diazapam as needed- but that doesn't treat the manic depression. It feels like i'm going to be stuck like this forever. I can't work, i can't hold down a relationship. I have one antidepressant left to try , but i am so scared in case it destroys my delicate equilibrium (moclobemide). Some herbal remedies have even caused panic attacks.. HELP!! I am so over this hormonal monster that rules my life. And I would love another child one day but am scared of the mental repercussions..argh!! I was once an outgoing fun person.. but i live constantly controlled by my depression and panic attacks.. does anyone else have the same drug reactions, and what might help?




  1. I'm 43, and after they put me on 3 anti-depressants last year, BEFORE my hysterectomy, that made me ready for a straight jacket, they finally stopped those and I've been on Diazepam for 18 months, 5mg 2x a day.  That was AFTER my hysterectomy.  I'm going to a psych tomorrow, because the diazepam is not working anymore.  The panic and anxiety attacks are getting worse, especially in public, and my mood swings are more and more frequent, and my temper is unreal at times.  Go back to a doctor.  Life isn't worth living like this, and you've got babies.

  2. Panic attacks are addressed in section 8, at (view PANIC: COMPREHENSIVE POST first). Depression: see page R first, then postpartum depression, on page Z.4 and female depression, page V, and the rest. PMS and PMDD are addressed in sections 19, and 48, at ezy build.

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