
Depression after having a baby

by Guest64216  |  earlier

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Did you have any problems with your marriage during post partum depression?




  1. I suffered ppd after my son, had it for 2 years, fairly severe.  I found that I pulled away from my husband, and everyone else.  I resented him, and i'm sure he had some resentment for me too.  After going on meds i was more able to express myself to him, and he did research on ppd, which helped him understand what was happening to me.  

    We just had a baby 7 weeks ago today, I have a mild case of ppd, but we are both so aware this time around, and he has been so supportive.  

    Talk to your husband, keep the lines of communication open, do some research together, seek a support group to help you talk freely, without having to feel guilty.

    Your husband is probably confused about what your needs are, so try to go easy on him, and take good care of yourself.

    Feel free to email me anytime to talk, it helps when others have been through it too.

  2. i had it very bad and it caused me and my bf to have constant fights about everything and had to get on lots of meds and even went as far as having a therapist it was horrible but im doing better now im about 9 months post partum and i can honestly say that i am doing great better than ever  

  3. Yes.  I felt like I was always tired and busy and that my husband was like having an extra kid in the house.  He's really a wonderful, wonderful guy but at that time I was annoyed at him a lot because I just felt like he didn't understand what I was going through and how hard it was for me and I probably made up a lot of negative things in my mind about him.  He was really helpful -- but I didn't think so right then.  I certainly didn't feel like being a "lover" at night after spending half of my day dragging myself around trying to get things done and smelling of puke sometimes.

    He, then started to resent me, feeling like I acted like I never had time for him anymore and everything revolved around babies schedules (I had 2 babies a year apart).  And, he couldn't understand why I'd just burst out in tears sometimes, seemingly unprovoked (to him, anyway).  

    And, the youngest one had colic and that drove me more crazy.  I did wind up eventually going to my OB and told him the extent of what and how I was feeling.  He recommended that I go for counseling, which I did, and I'm so glad that I did.  I needed to be on medication for a while but it was worth it.

    Does any of that sound familiar and like you're hearing what your own day is like?  Of course, my husband and I laugh about all of that now.  Life is back to normal.

  4. One night I was about to go buy cigarrettes and not come back... It was a ***** the first 3 weeks, I had my SO quit his job because I couldn't handle myself, much less the baby. That same night, I had a violent rampage and I started hitting myself so as to not hurt the baby. I was kicking and throwing things. But, things do get brighter as you adapt to your new life, and we are doing a lot better now. Baby blues, hormones do have an effect, but I believe being exhausted from not sleeping well half your pregnancy and not sleeping at all with a new born are more damaging than anything. Hang in there...

  5. I had problems with EVERYTHING during post partum depression.  It's hard not to because it takes over your whole world.  If you are having trouble with this, please please please get some help ASAP!!!

  6. Yes. When I was pregnant with my son I read about post partum and thought the idea of being depressed after his birth was insane!  I couldn't wait for his birth. But I can tell you that I was VERY depressed and it did affect my marriage. It lasted, probably, about 6 to 8 weeks.  Hang in there and treasure every moment with that new baby!


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