
Depression and Self-Harm?

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This may come across as a little insensitive, but I've never really understood the concept behind being depressed and self-harm

I mean, you get depressed, then you're depressed that you're depressed etc etc

And self-harm, that's just a very strange idea

I managed to talk a friend out of depression last year with a massive common-sense approach, but i was just rambling

I was hoping someone could shatter my ignorance, anybody?




  1. Typically people who self-harm suffer from Bipolar 2 disorder or Borderline Personality disorder, although it can occur with Major Depressive disorder. Basically self-harming is a way to cope with all the pain you feel inside. I started self-harming when I was about 13. I took a sharp metal object and wanted to kill myself (I had a pretty screwed up home life and was seriously depressed and couldn't get help). I started scratching my wrist and discovered after a few times that the pain helped me calm down. It was a way for me to feel normal when I wasn't. Physical pain released endorphines and produces a good feeling when you are in a negative state, which is why it can become addictive. I self-harmed for 16 years and even though I haven't in about a year I still struggle with the thoughts a lot. Just like any drug, or alcohol even, self-harming can consume you and become your whole life. I know it seems really strange to hurt yourself physically on purpose, but is it really all that crazy when you think of what other people to do themselves to cope?

    Some people do self-harm for attention, they typically suffer from Borderline Personality disorder and it's a symptom of their disorder. They are NOT crazy, no matter what some people might say. I can honestly say at times I think I did it for attention, although I always kept it hidden there was a part of me that wanted the world to know how much pain I was in. The scars were like my badges of honor, like "look how much I've survived." When one starts self-harming and using this as a coping skill, your mind starts telling you things that make you think self-harming is good and necessary.

    My best friend didn't understand, and still has a hard time understanding, how I could self-harm. I am glad that you are information seeking here and not trying to condemn people from doing it. If you're interested there are some really good books on the subject. My best friend and my parents have read them to gain more insight into my self-harming behavior. One is A Bright Red Scream by Marilee Strong. Her book is fabulous and well written. Another is Cutting by Steven Levenkron. The book is good and has a lot of information although the author tends to imply that self-harm and anorexia go hand in hand, which I don't agree with (especially since I couldn't relate to that). Then there is Women Who Hurt Themselves by Dusty Miller. Her book is good, although more targeted towards female self-harmers. There are a lot more books on the subject, these are just ones that I've read and recommended to people.

  2. Self harm is absolutely related to depression, because by, say cutting yourself, you release endorphins which in turn bring you pleasure. thats all there is to it.

  3. There are different kinds of depression. Sometimes people are just depressed for a short period of time (im guessing that's what your friend had) and sometimes its a chemical imbalance in your brain meaning that just talking really wont help things, it takes medication to help straighten things out.

        Now about self harm, there is alot of speculation as to what the reasons are for someone resorting to it. Alot of teenagers do it for attention but most do it because they need to feel something and after doing it for a while it becomes an addiction of sorts. When you get injured you body releases adrenalin and that gives you a euphoric feeling so when someones depressed that moment of happiness can mean the world to them

    I cant speak for everyone but thats what has been my experience

  4. You cut yourself to relive the pain.  It works in the short term, but as soon as the endorphin rush is over, reality hits you what seems like 10 times harder.  You scar, and hide it from the world.  It has become so trendy.  It's really annoying that kids now have scars all over themselves and are publicly showing them off.  They are doing it just for attention.  I have been a self-injurer for around 10 years, and you will NEVER see my cuts or scars.

  5. I used to self harm when i was like 13..when everything was going wrong in life..i hated school..i hated my family..i hated everything.//

    I started to self harm..thinking this is all my fault..why cant i do anything right ect..

    so i went a lil crazy..stopped eating self harmed and stuff

    Ive only just got over my anorexia..

    it just the way people seem to fell about them selfs

    Its annoying the way people think self harming is all emo stuff

    when its not!

    I suppose its just what people think..some peopl cry..others self harm others write thhings..

    just different

  6. Well self-harm (like cutting as opposed to suicide attempts) is more related to borderline personality disorder than it is to depression. On the other hand borderline personality disorder and depression are related, so...

  7. Way I see it would be that you wouldn't really be able to comprehend so much with the concept of depression unless you've actually been there.

    I get your point though, I never saw the point of self harm.. [not now saying it HAS a beneficial point]. But again, unless you've been there it doesn't make sense.

    Not ignorance, just you're point of view :)

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