
Depression or just sadness?

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I am always sad, but I like being by myself and crying.

I have reasons to be sad due to events in my life that hurt me inside and cause me to be sad, but sometimes I feel awful for no reason at all and I cry and think about how hopeless my life feels and how I don't deserve to be here. I also get sad over really small things and am angry most of the time. Is this just sadness or depression?




  1. it could be hormones. some of it sounds like appropriate response to events in your life. see your doctor and find out if you can get some help with it.  

  2. Depression actually lasts over 2weeks so if your completely in the dumps for more than that length of time then it's serious, but for people until 18 its harder to track depression so I wouldn't over think it too much, but if it lasts a long time seek real help.

  3. It is dysthymia (mild depression) unless you have had thoughts about suicide then its major depression. The best treatment for this is either anti-depressants and therapy, therapy and excercise, or excercise and anti-depressants.

  4. i used to have the same problem, i hated life, i tried therepy, and it just made me feel like a freak, and taking pills for depression made me feel like an outcast, i found that it was beacouse i was self councious, and i hated how i looked. i decided to turn it around. i did this by many ways.

    1. transfered to a new school (better people are at private schools)

    2. went out for sports (i met alot of people and learned to love to be around people)

    3. made alot of new freinds (that helped me to stop beeing alone)

    4. i went our for a musical (it was alot of fun and we laughed and sang, and had so much sun)

    5. now im taking martial arts classes (it really helps to let the anger out, but if you do take them i suggest private classes, you learn alot more)

    6. lastly, when i felt bad, or got mad, i told myself that lifes is to short for stupid emotions like that.

    i had sevrel scuicide atempts my middle school years. i hated it, life always dragged me down, and no one liked me. all you have to do is belive in yourself. good luck

  5. defenitly both that happened to me to like 5 times and i cry alemost every night after that day

  6. This sounds more like depression than sadness

    Go to and take the depression quiz. Take the results to your doctor and see what he thinks you need to do.

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