
Depression regarding past

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I've been feeling very nostalgic about a certain period of time in my life, and I feel depressed as it gets further and further from this time. People change and the environment around me has changed.

I've grown into such an obsession with my past that I've even modified my Windows theme and looked up old candies and video games. I always listen to music from this era, and I look at photo albums from back then. I'm questioning my mental health, because I feel this is causing a serious issue.

Sometimes I just want to cry, there's nothing I can ever do. What DO I do? Is there something wrong with me? I know this has to be more than a mild case of nostalgia, because its all I ever think about now. No matter how hard I try to think about the present or future, or even bettering myself, I'm simply disinterested in the now.




  1. Things change.  People change.  Life changes.  I get the same away about a certain time in my life.  I hear a song on the radio, or smell a certain smell and it instantly takes me back.  I had a fiance for 6 years during that time.  We were together through the biggest events in our lives (graduation, prom, first real jobs, first apartment, first house, first cars...) and then we split up.  Two years later, he died in a car accident.  I feel bad about it.  Dwell on it a little.  But I eventually get over it.  

    Give it time.  Give in to what you are feeling for a while.  It will eventually crawl back into it's storage space in your memory.

  2. First of all, I think its wonderful that you had such a happy time in the past. If I reflect on the past, it's usually with some regret. I can see however that your attachment to the past is interfering with your life and I am sorry you feel so bad. I don't know what to tell you except that it might be time to see a doctor. Good times could be yours today if you could move into the present. I wish you success with getting some relief.  

  3. I can understand a little bit of where you are coming from, because I get pretty nostalgic as well.  However, I think you know the answer to your question about whether there is something wrong.  I want to encourage you to go see a therapist.  Counseling is not a dirty word, it is a way to improve one's life.  Even therapists go to therapy!  If you are in school you could start with the school counselor (colleges have that too).  If you have your own medical insurance look up someone in your network by logging on their website and looking up under Mental Health.  You could go to a doctor first if you find that more manageable.  Hope you will seriously consider this because I want you to get better!  You deserve a full and happy life.

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