
Depression/suicide help??? need answer now!!!!?

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are there any good websites for teens who are contemplating good ones i can find on google...please too shy/embarrased to do the whole hotline thing and my phone is in my moms room.....please i figure most people will look in this category so sorry




  1. its a sight that maybe able to help. you seem like you want help and thats the first step. good luck hun

  2. Oh please talk to someone, don't have to tell them just talk. Talk, talk & talk more.

    Call one of your friends or talk to your mom, grama someone.

    Your to precious to do anything to yourself. You are better than that.

    EDIT~~~~You know, I don't even know you & now this is really bothering me something terrible. Please think about your family. Friends, anyone who cares about you!!!!

  3. if you are the one thinking about commiting suicide then i sugesst you talk to someoneelse about it and not be so embarassed.  

    ITs OKAY!

    Plenty of people have hadthese thoughts and thought aboutdoing it but are still here and treat everyday as a gift.

    thats why we call this the PRESENT

  4. Try to visit:

  5. There is nothing to be ashmad about it. You can always drop me a email if you need someone to know your problems.  

    You should really treasure what you are having today and treat it as a gift coz nobody can predict what is going to happen tomorrow.

    You have to treasure what you have now.

  6. don't do it, you can email me if you need to talk-

    I know it sucks to be a teen, it sucked for all of us, I swear, life gets better.

    These sites will show you how absolutley broken your loved ones will be. My sister killed her self---****** me up bad----for years! Please look at these sites-in 1000 deaths you'll see entire families who killed themselves, because the pain of one family members suicide was too much to bear.

    dammit, 1000 deaths link is broken, but trust me, the pain you cause will last a life time.

    Why don't you go talk to your mom? She's probably more understanding than you think, she was once a teeneger too-and like I said, you can email me anytime-

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