
Depth Perception - Do you think we're born with it or do we begin to develope it when born?

by  |  earlier

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D-e-p-t-h not death haha!




  1. i think we're born with it, but that what we perceive is a matter of refinement.  for ex:  i look out the window and see two ships on the sea. one ship is the size of a baseball and the other is the size of a pea... of course i deduct that the b-ball size ship is closer but only because i know what a sea is, and what a ship is.

    think of it this way:  you know how you can take those trick pictures where it looks like a distant building is resting in your hand because you're in the foreground?   If you'd never seen a miles-long expanse you wouldn't have any mental referrant to let you know that the building looks small b/c it's far away.

  2. We develope it! Everything we know Weive Learnt  if nobody told us about death and nobody told us about heaven or h**l we wouldnt be non the wiser! Saying that people would make up preconceptions about what happens any way

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