
Derailleur problems, can i fix them myself?

by  |  earlier

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basicaly, my front gears by my pedals has three sets of gears, and the derailleur only shifts to the 2 bigger ones.

and for the back, i have 6 gears. when i'm in first, its fine, then i shift to 2nd, and it shifts fine, but then it automaticaly shifts to third. and the same happens when i put the selector to 3rd gear, it shifts to 4th, then 5th by itself. and when i go to 4th, it shifts to 6th. can i fix this myself? i have some skill with tools, but not about how a bike derailleur works, but i can learn. do you think i can fix it myself? if so, how can i?





  1. This is a great opportunity to learn.  

    Rear derailleur: In all likelihood your shift cables require adjustment, a common cause of gear skipping.  It may be necessary to replace the cables and this is not a complicated procedure.  Try this link for info -

    The front derailleur could be affected by a cable that is too tight/loose (depending on the type of derailleur) or an improperly set low limit s***w.  Try this link for info -

    Bicycles are rather simple machines and you will get a great deal of pleasure from completing these fixes yourself.

  2. This is the problem with index shifting. It used to be easier to adjust the deraileur before index shifters were invented.

  3. i would take it to a bike shop

  4. take it straight to the bike shop.  ask them if you can watch the adjustment, so in the future you will have a better idea of how the limit screws work. as well as cable tension.

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