
Derek Fisher says players will compromise on BRI if owners pull back from hard salary cap – NBA News

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Derek Fisher says players will compromise on BRI if owners pull back from hard salary cap – NBA News
According to the latest development on the players end, Derek Fisher, who is the President of the players association had said that players are looking to make a compromise on the Basketball Related Income, if the franchise owners
pull back from the hard salary cap.   
Fisher said, “If, as players, we feel we can operate under a fair system, then we can maybe work towards a fair number. I think our counterparts feel a little bit differently, they want to get a number set and they’re not as concerned
with the way the system looks if they get the right number. We don’t think that’s the best way to approach it. We want to make sure we keep a fair system in place for all players now and coming in later and I think the numbers will kind of take care of themselves.”
This statement comes from the players, whom most of the analyst called greedy and also termed inflexible, as they were showing no leniency in their stance. Now according to the latest reports the players are ready to even come
to the 57 percent BRI. While the owners want them at 50 percent and in addition to that they are also demanding a hard salary cap.
This proves that in the end it’s the players that have to compromise the most, because if they don’t then owners will simply turn the lights off and close the shop. Since, they want good returns on their investments. However, it
would be difficult for the players in the end, as basketball is their bread and butter. Players cannot afford to sit at home and do nothing, like the owners, who can remain rich even after closing the business.
Earlier it seemed that Monday’s meeting wouldn’t bear any fruit for the two parties, but with this new progress now there is a hope. The players, who are willing for 57 percent BRI can come down to 56 or even 55 according to Fisher
and if the owners showed some flexibility the percentage can drop further.
It remains to be seen how things will turn out in Monday’s meeting, as it is extremely crucial for both sides and future talks will base on this first meeting after the implementation of lockout.         



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