
Derranged cat needs a companion? How can i persuade my mum to get one?

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okay, so in my last question i explained how my cat was showing weird behaviour after an illness and it's companion's death. you sdvised me to get annother cat to keep it company, my my mum and dad are dad set on no! ive got a feeling they wont change their mind! how can i get them to? I cant say that i promise to look after it becasue they know that already! I have 5 pets and love looking after them all!? Help




  1. The fact that you already have 5 pets may be why they say no.

    My youngest cat lost her sister and I got another one to keep her company and she wants nothing to do with her.

    Just give you cat lots of attention and she should be fine.

  2. You are clearly a very caring person & want to look after your cat's welfare but think cat not person! Cats do not think & feel the same way that we do, they do not like change & nor do they usually mix well with other cats that are not from 'their own social group' once they get older. He may well miss his companion but you could compund his problem if you try & introduce another cat into his territory. Don't think he'll thank you for it, let alone your folks! Give him time!

    Sorry, but on your Mum's side!

  3. i would suggest trying to go for the "dont you feel really bad for our cat, shes so lonely! " approach. If that doesnt work you should probably listen to your parents. they know whats best for you and your pets.

  4. u may not want to hear it but it may help if u get rid of one of your other pets. maybe a pet that your parents really didn't want to let u get. if they won't let u go with that path, u might want to concider getting rid of your cat for it's own good. Is your cat a girl? If so, u might want to find a way to get her pregnant if none of those paths work for u, u could always just keep bugging the weaker of your parents. It always works with my mom(=

  5. It depends on what behaviour is occuring, and on the age of your cat. If she is an old lady she may not take to a new cat, and in that case also may want to be fussed more by you and resent a newcomer badly, as for your parents it is not fair to hassle them, or to get another pet if they are so set against it.  if you are still at school and living at home you have to bide them and not take liberties you already have five pets which I suspect mum has to look after when you are out so look - give her a break and remember maybe she is upset as well and worried about the other cat as well.

  6. It may miss its old companion but it might reject a new companion.

    Plus what happens if the first cat dies then the second will need a new companion and you'll have to keep on doing that.

    With lots of love and attention the cat will be fine.

    If your not convinced and still want another cat just tell your parents you are only wanting a new one for the welf fare of the cat.

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