
Derry, Northern Ireland, Catholic or Protestant...?

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I have a friend who recently told me that she was going on a mission trip to Derry, Northern Ireland this summer. I know that the Catholics and Protestants are at each others throats so im trying to find out if she is going to be somewhat safe. Is Derry predominantly catholic or protestant? And how violent is that area (how often are there riots there, UDA and IRA conflicts, etc.)?




  1. derry is catholic

    londonderry is protestant

  2. I wonder do you read the news?

    You may have noticed that the troubles are over and that the Power Sharing Executive was set up THIS WEEK!!!!!

    Anyway Derry is a beautiful city which is know to be predominantly Catholic but as with every part of Ireland she will find many different religions.  Your friend will be as safe as anywhere...  In any case Even at the height of the troubles the violence was largely confined to those actually engaging tin the the conflict.

    Another point is that if your friend is going on a missionary trip (as I understand it to try and spread some religion-though I apologise if I am wrong)  she would do better to stay at home.  Religion has caused enough problems in Ireland thank you very much.

  3. Its got a catholic majority,that makes it irish.

  4. I totally and utterly agree with Charlotte.

    Nobody has been at anybody else's throats for years now. (Only the paramilitaries had still goes at each others knees from time to time)

    All the missioneering we can stand is already being done and more. But the worst that can happen to her is being laughed at.

    Even at the heights of the troubles tourists and visitors were safe enough, not only in Derry, but anywhere in Northern Ireland.

  5. Just travel along the Antrim Coast.  It's one of the most beautiful drives you can do anywhere in the world.  I didn't get to Derry, but if it's anything like the rest of Ulster, there's no problems at all.

    You will only get trouble if you go looking for it.

  6. I hope she is not bringing yet another brand of religeon to our land. We all love god in ireland. Tell your friend to come to our lovely country but not to preach to our poeple

  7. O my god! I trust your from the States?

  8. Where in the name of God have you learned all that c**p from?  So you know that Catholics and Protestants are at each others throats....BULL ****! As someone who has lived in Derry/Londonderry all my life I can tell you that your friend will be made welcome and shown hospitality second to none in this world. No one in this city will give a hoot where she 's from or what religion she is and I've no doubt that when she gets here she'll not want to leave. Do you listen at all to WORLD NEWS?  The troubles are over! Your friend will be more safe here than in many  states in America. Tell me, have you just awaken from a coma or are you just kidding us about your knowledge of Irish current affairs? Get yourself over here with your friend and I'll treat you to some humble pie. Seriously, we have peoples from the four corners of the globe visiting this GREAT CITY and most of them come from America. Log on to: www.derry and get those eyes opened.      Cead Mile Failte.

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