
Desalination of Sea Ocean waters Globally can wipe off Global warming as well Food Crisis! Right or Wrong ?

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Desalination Projects Globally a Must as the Potable Flow of Water Makes '' Air'' moisturised reducing Global warming , as Potable Water's evoporation is cool when compared to sweaty seaocean water's evoporation, making the waste of Desalination dropping back to SeaOceans.

This Projects reduces seaoceans Rising Level on Land due to Melts too.

Potable water flow from Desalination makes the climate suiting to quick harvesting ideas as the Soil helps with consistent moisture.

Marine Foods too can be tried !

Is it better or Nonsense?




  1. A short term fix for a long term problem without proper understanding of the inner connectedness of the ecosystems involved.

    The increased moisture in the air will cause the atmosphere to heat up, not cool down.

    Removing vast amounts of water from the oceans will make them more saline, killing the life forms that live in the same which will dramatically effect the food chain and the world wide ecology / environment.

    Destroy the oceans and you can kiss all life on this planet bye-bye and rather quickly at that.

  2. Can't be sure but I'm almost certain that the desalination process would not be a temperature cooling process.

    That said, I think in a similar way, that we could create desalination plants across Africa and therefore create a lush green area in a very fertile area of the world.

  3. First a solution to stop toilet water flowing into the ocean as the sea water becomes toilet water.Recycled toilet water into water for industry and remake chemicals for the toilet again from the same water that is from the toilet.Then think about building a fresh water plant to feed a nation.The population like fish there eating toilet bowl fish as i will only eat beef as there is less likely contamination of lead due to evaporation and wind.David.

  4. All your theorizing is based on the premise that Global warming is a fact. Is it really so? Or is it a bogey created by vested interests.

    Let us first establish that it is a proven fact.

  5. 1) Desalination will use so little ocean water its like taking a drop out of the ocean and expecting the level of the sea to fall.

    2) The process uses massive amounts of electricity.  Hence desal plants are usually attached to power plants.  Unless these are nuclear, they in fact increase global warming.  Or increase the nuclear waste we have.

    3) Adding moisture to the air in fact increases global warming. Look at Venus, all its water from its oceans is now in its' atmosphere.

    So no, desalination plants definitely will not reduce global warming.  However, I believe they are a very good idea for countries with water shortages.  In fact as global warming reduces available fresh water in many geographic regiions, this may become the only source of fresh water to many countries.

  6. I have read some answers about how much will it cost and the effort which could be incurred by countries doing their bit, but I have some questions for you myself in which you might get my answers if your smart enough.

    Earth is covered by one fourth land and three fourth water; can you see the gigantic task? Got your answer? No...Ok read on.

    There are some small countries which don’t have a coastline and are in the middle or share borders with 2-3 countries who have a coastline, who do they give their contribution too? Wouldn’t that itself start wars and destroy nations instead of global warming.........Still not convinced?

    Two people/countries to agree upon something is easy, all the countries in the world agreeing is not going to happen in this life, there would always somebody to say "It will not help to reduce global warming, and after that you will also find 50-60 countries saying the same thing, what will happen then?  Now you You’re just too much.

    What about the millions and millions of species of animals and flora and fauna in the ocean who are there only because of the salt water, by removing all the saline from the ocean, all the coral, fish species etc etc would be extinct, then what?  Now at least you’re satisfied the idea is rubbish?  A little………very good.

    What I'm about to tell you will totally satisfy your thought process that this is pure B*llSh*t. We are one of the species on this world and have no right to destroy any other species for our own personal benefit, there was Ice age, The great flood and now it's global warming, this according to me is a part of evolution, nothing else, science and religion both say that the world is going to, the earth will not end but life will start all over again, that’s how it has been and that’s how it will be, nobody can stop it, like once you have Aids, you can prolong it and make it less painful, but you cannot avoid dying from it.

    Satisfied...ohh at last I knew I could make you see how foolish the question was.

  7. Desalination cannot be a remedy since everyday all the ocean are receiving very quantity of contaminated water . so we have to cut adding industrial waste to river water.

    And more trees to absorb carbon monoxide is the alternate one. Both only will be the solution for global warming

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