
Descent groups fuctions?

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describe please, and why is descent group not generally found in western societies?




  1. 1)Descent groups have one common lineage they are either patrilineal or matrilinieal,depending if they trace their lineage through their fathers or mothers. some decent groups may not be able to trace their lineage in that case they are called  a clan. the ways of tracing lineages are different from culture to culture.Some native Americans trace their lineages through their fathers, Iroquois.

    2) Western culture has been influenced by both Greek and Judeo christian philosophy, the Greek separated the soul or spirit from the body, combined with the Judeo christian emphasis that the individual have a personal relation with deity, have mongrolized how western individuals perceive the ties they have to families, much less the ties to society. In the west networks are held togheter by frail ties, due to the strog scense of independace. think about it..if the common individual has a choise wether he or she wants to have a relationshp with the most powerful beign in the universe whats there to hold them to any other entity.

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