
Descibe how you would feel if you saw all these...?

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For each one. A)a ghost. B)Mothman. C)Loch Ness monster. D)Big foot.




  1. As the first person to have ever seen these mythical creatures I would feel proud.

  2. That's cool, I've always wanted to see those creatures. I'd feel great.

    It'll be kind of freaky and scary, but who cares when I'll be the only one who saw those things. I'll be unique ( even more than I'm now)

  3. When you see a ghost or have a paranormal experience your blood runs cold and you feel a heightened sense of awareness at that moment. accompanying chills.

    I do not know what a Mothman is...a charachter from Spider Man?

    I have never seen Lochy, but those who do are in awe.

    Big Foot,never met him either, I would feel honored, although I am told he smells like garbage.

  4. (A)   The Goodbye or Comfort Ghost: Perhaps the most common rationale for a personality manifesting to the still living remains the desire to say farewell. As such, the 'goodbye ghost' is a manifestation that appears—often only once—to either say goodbye to a loved one bereaved by their loss or to simply send a signal that they are well and have passed over successfully. These manifestations can be as simple as turning on lights or tuning a radio to a particular station the deceased was known to favor while alive to something as dramatic as a full-body manifestation. Tales of widows seeing their late husband sitting on the foot of their bed or children encountering the manifestation of their dead sibling in their bedroom are legion, and even recently departed family pets have even been occasionally reported. However, these reports must be examined within the context of the many ways grief can manifest itself in one's imagination to produce the very fantasy a bereaved loved one 'needs' to bring closure to a tragic event. Yet if all such occurrences are psychosomatically induced, they should be exceedingly common and, perhaps, even anticipated among grieving relatives, though that has not proven to be the case. Such instances are still relatively uncommon and, more often than not, entirely unexpected and sometimes even undesirable, thereby reducing the chances that such visitations are hysterically-induced hallucinations. Trauma and excessive grief may account for some cases, but certainly not for all of them, most stick around forever, as I will get in to this subject in my clincher notes!

    (B).Mothman is the name given to a strange creature reported in the Charleston and Point Pleasant areas of West Virginia between November 1966 and December 1967. The creature was sporadically reported to be seen before and after those dates, with some sightings as recent as September of 2007. Most observers describe the Mothman as a winged man-sized creature with large reflective red eyes and large moth like wings. It often appeared to have no head, with its eyes set into its chest. A number of hypotheses have been presented to explain eyewitness accounts, ranging from misidentification and coincidence to paranormal phenomena and conspiracy theories


      Three sightings in one nightOn June 17, 1993, Edna MacInnes and David Mackay, both of Inverness, reportedly saw the monster which they described as forty feet long, pale brown, and with a long neck held high above the water. . After swimming along the surface, it sank into the water. Although the monster was a mile from the shore, MacInnes claimed to have run along the shore to keep up with it. "She,was scared when the wash from its wake lapped on the shore, but,she just kept running behind it. By the time it plunged below the surface she was running as fast as she could go," she added. Forty minutes later they saw it again, and Mackay attempted to take a photograph, but only managed to get a picture of its wake. Later the same evening it was reportedly seen by James MacIntosh of Inverness along with his son James . Young James saw it first, saying "Dad, that's not a boat. They described a pale brown, long-necked creature heading away from shore. The final sighting of the night was reported by Lorraine Davidson, who saw a large wake in the loch, when no boats were visible for miles.  In 1993 Discovery Communications began to research the ecology of the loch. The study did not focus entirely on the monster, but on the loch's nematodes (of which a new species was discovered) and fish. Expecting to find a small fish population, the researchers caught twenty fish in one catch, increasing previous estimates of the loch's fish population about ninefold. Using sonar, the team encountered a rare kind of underwater disturbance due to stored energy (such as from a wind) causing an imbalance between the loch's warmer and colder layers. While reviewing printouts of the event the next day, they found what appeared to be three sonar contacts


    Bigfoot, also known as Sasquatch, is a figure in North American folklore alleged to inhabit remote forests, mainly in the Pacific northwest region of the United States and the Canadian province of British Columbia. In northern Wisconsin, Lakota Indians know the creature by the name Chiye-tanka, a Lakota name for "Big Elder Brother, Bigfoot is sometimes described as a large, hairy bipedal hominoid, and many believe that this animal, or its close relatives, may be found around the world under different regional names, such as the Yeti of Tibet and Nepal, the Yeren of mainland China, and the Yowie of Australia.

    Bigfoot is one of the more famous examples of cryptozoology, a subject that the scientific community dismiss as pseudoscience because of unreliable eyewitness accounts, lack of scientific and physical evidence, and over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation. Scientific experts on the matter consider the Bigfoot legend to be a combination of folklore and hoaxes.

    (A) As, for seeing a ghost, it would bring me many blessings as it has before.  However, we must all ,understand that Ghost, come also in the deepest and darkness of the under grown, world in which some of us believe this to be h**l!!

    The Soul, The Holy Spirit, or Ghost, is the third person in the Trinity (2Cor. 12:14, Acts 15:28).

    (B) The Mothman, I will take this two way's.  1. In some strange way part of this factor, on the mentioned aboved subject, I wouldn't be affraid either.  Reason's being is, it reminds me of a beautiful butterfly, even though it is not.  How ever, though it also reminds me of a cocoon, just ready to grow like our souls do. 2. Then, on the flip side of it, this does most certainly scare me, as to the reason it reminds me of a monster in which it is, that reminds me of one of Satan's army

    3. Then of course, the Lochnes, Monster, Now! if I saw this huge thing coming at me, while boating or swimmnig, I have to be perfectly honest by saying, yes!, I am very scared of such a long and ugly looking amimal from the sea. 4. As for good ole, big foot, I think I would try to make friends with him as I may need to borrow a pair of his socks, since his feet, are so big, and since its near Winter time now, I most certainly  would need to keep my footies warm...

    Now , I must say this was a very interesting question to ask, for many reasons.   But, I will say this that when it comes to all four of your questions, most people, know that  that these are all a myth, and yet stand for one thing for sure,and this is they are all considered, a myth, and not to be taken seriously, because, none of these question's are scientifcially proven, however I beg to differ on one of the topics, and that by means for me is seeing a Ghost, I do believe, in them, good and bad,, the Truth to this subject, is what is truly only the facts as what God, says this to be.  Ghost, also can be called your angels, your guides, your messengers, it also is in fact the trinity, you can use this in many forms and fashsions, as to your Christian, beliefs, no matter what demomination your in.  For, the mere fact we can not discount our, heavenly God, he is us ,we are a part of God, he made Jesus, out of his own image, as man to suffer for our sins. So, with out a shawdow of doubt, God, made the Universe, and every living thing we see and breath.  Jesus, died for us all so that we would live a better life, and most of all believe and have faith, that any thing we ask in His, name shall be given, now it may not be in our timing, but ,,, it will come,  We just have to have faith, and love one another, and know that God, is the only Truth, as so are the ghost, we are all one in the same, we are the one and only truth, to which we all stand for, if we believe in him, ,, and that we must!  The Father, The Sun, The Holy Spirit! This is God, Jesus, and our Ghost, the Trinity~!.  As far as Big foot, again, I would greet this man with open hands, as there is truth to big foot, he is not with us anymore, he was in Indian, his name, was also called Big Foot.  So, to all your questions

    I , truly wouldnt be affraid of any of the four, as they are all in some same the (4) Ghost!!  I , do hope you understand what I am trying to say,, and knowing you as I do ,, I am sure you understand, after all your the one who ask your question's and very good one's at that~~

  5. a.terrified b.terrified c.terrified d.happy

  6. A)a ghost. INDIFFERENT

    B)Mothman. WEARY

    C)Loch Ness monster. RESERVED

    D)Big foot. PERPLEXED

  7. On A,B &D, skeptical.  On C, I'd want more information, though I'd still be somewhat skeptical.

  8. Now is the time to go to rehab. and get back to reality.

  9. I'd feel refreshed from a long night of deep REM sleep  :)

  10. A. seen a few. just kinda shocked me

    B. i'd probably panic

    C. i'd take pictures(hopefully i'll have a camera with me)

    D. probably s**t my pants and pass out

  11. If i had experienced any of the above . I would most likely rub my eyes very hard to see. if i was suffering a illusion.Most of all ,i would be well amazed.I would also try to take a photograph.

  12. Extremely scared! lol

  13. Like someone spiked my drink.

  14. Sounds like some really great halloween characters.

  15. A) for a ghost I wont feel scared by mentioning Allah

    B)i don't know whats a mothman

    C)I'll properly stand still

    D)but as for big foot; I'd rather enjoy watching him than running away

  16. One time a short fat (older man)ghost walked into my bedroom and got in bed with me. He didn't seem to notice I was there. I FROZE !!

    I really couldn't say about my reactions to the others since it's never happened to me. You really don't know how you'll react to something..until it happens to you. I think when you get REALLY scared (like when somebody breaks in on you) do a kind of "out of body" thing sometimes..where it feels like you're "watching" yourself...and there's a kind of invisible "bubble" around you.

  17. A.  Seen a few, not really impressed any more.

    B.  Creepy.

    C.  Shocked that it really exists.

    D.  Amazed, where's my camera?

  18. A) alreaady have and it isnt as bad as yout think.

    B) Look for a net and catalog him

    C) Proof that dinosaurs exist

    D) get my gun out shoot the thing, sell it for 100 million and retire happily

  19. Well, I am sure I would feel the same way as when I see a moose or bear. I get excited, grab my camera, and in 5 seconds I am ready to shoot away at it, and by that time its bolted into to woods. So I would be frustrated because I would need the picture just to prove to myself that I really saw what I thought I saw.

    They would all be cool to see. The only one that might spook me is mothman, but I dont think he ever hurt anyone, badly.

  20. Scared




  21. I have a friend who used to be so thin I thought she was a ghost, but now she is just right.  I think I will start calling her the Friendly Ghost.   I have another friend who runs around all the time just like a moth, his name is Russ, so I am going to start calling him Mothman.  I have another friend who loves monster movies, so I am going to call him the Loch Ness Monster, or Nessy for short.  And, of course, Big Foot lives right above me.  She is the only one of these that truly scares me.

  22. all-my heart would burst.

    (Many blessings)

  23. Wow! You have just described my family! Lol!

  24. oh my....i would have run!!!

    but to tell the truth...i've seen such paranormal things and at that moment,i tried to run and in my mind was to run as fast as i can but my feet is getting still...

    its weird yet its really cant do what you think if you see such real paranormal

  25. A) I'd video camera him and throw a feather scarf round his neck & yell LETS PARTY!. B)I'd squish him. C) i'd dance the cha-cha. D)i'd take him to a beauty parlour

  26. a.  Not at all surprised

    b.  A bit concerned since he is not known to be in my neck of the woods.

    c.&d. Since they are tulupas, I would want to clean my glasses since they do not exist.

  27. a ghos i would say i would feel white get it white lol

    mothman i would feel like a butterfly

    for nessy i would feel excitement cause i would wanna ride it in the water

    big foot small cause i have an 81/2 shoe sizes and well his name saids it all

  28. okay....I've seen many different kinds of ghosts,and so far I've only been startled;but none have been hostel so I cant say I've been afraid. Most of the time I'm doing it for someone else,or they need me to help communicate with the living.From what I've read about mothman he's a messenger.Because we do not understand his appearances or his reasons for his visits,I would be cautious when are two paths crossed.(has anyone ever thought that it might be a female?and did anyone really know this creatures anatomy?) Nessy.....?never say never!there are so many things we don't believe in or have to kill to prove that it exists.....hopefully I could get a really cool picture and shut the fools up who want to not believe that something so wonderful is still out smarting them.Last but far from the end of the list,The Big Guy or Girl! Well I wouldn't move real fast,and hopefully I'd have something that it would like to munch on besides me.I've never heard of a Yettie or big foot hurt anyone.They are the keepers of the forest and groves,mountains and bayous. I have complete respect for them and I hope that they remain free and safe from mankind's bullets and fear.Its always good to keep an open mind on all of these subjects.Good question,the results should be interesting!   blessed be

  29. A. High on LSD B. Delusional C. High on the herb D. Horny!( I love hairy guys!)

  30. A)a ghost! i dont believe in ghosts! mus be my frens playing tricks.....

    B)fancy dress!

    C)Is it halloween today??? i am gonna dress up as a wizard!

    D) dint have a bathe i suppose....its not a big foot, its a big STINK!

  31. ghost: pass out or pee my pants.

    mothman: freeze up then hide, or pass out again.

    nessy: i would love 2 see it!

    big foot: stand very still & watch, from wht i read they spook easily.

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