
Describe 10 things that you should do to make every race in this world to be more understanding to each other?

by Guest44735  |  earlier

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Describe 10 things that you should do to make every race in this world to be more understanding to each other?




  1. 1 I would make people walk a mile in an others shoes to gain insight into their world.

    2 I would realize that there will be people who don't want to gain understanding and just want to rid the world of other races.

    3 I would put everybody on an equal platform so that no one feels like they are not being heard and that we are taking what they say seriously.

    4 I would listen to all other races and learn from their mistakes.

    5 I would take away the threat of attack by getting rid of those who wish to attack.

    6 I would make everything available to everyone, like medicine, so that everyone will have the same opportunity to survive.

    7 I would let people know that it is okay to be different that you don't have to look, act, or be just like everyone else.  We were made different for a reason.

    8 I would teach people tolerance of other peoples rights to do things.

    9 I would take down the class systems that still exist.

    10 I would let people have a voice on the problems that are going on in the world and let everyone chip in what they can to help each other out.

  2. Remove religion.

    Get rid of political correctness, al sharpton has done more to segregate people than the slave trade could.

    Get rid of discrimination. positive discrimination is just as bad, if not worse, than the discrimination before it. Everyone should be on equal standings.

  3. You can't!  Well maybe you could if you gently apply a few nukes and scare the h**l out of the world, but seriously:

    Too many of the worlds fights have truely ancient roots.  Too many fights are going to be over dwindling resources.

    Go ahead and arm the ethnic groups, religious factions, political factions, that have been fighting for thousands of years over the same pieces of ground.  

    Understanding might come when one side or the other has been subject to the worst genocidal ethnic cleansing in 4000 years of human history.  

    A truely awful answer, I agree, but I just can't see world peace, bliss and understanding happening any time soon.

  4. I can do it in 4 if you want to narrow it down to the US.

    1 - Make no laws for or against any ethnic, racial, or gender group.

    2 - Respect EVERYONES rights of association, including employers freedom to choose employee's regardless of merit.  Freedom of association does not stop in the home, it is an essential part of our principles.

    3 - Stop Judicial Favoritism.  Judges should weigh the case based on the facts, not on color, creed, s*x, or status.

    4 - Respect other Country's National Sovergnty and engage in no entangling alliances.

    As far as the world?  There will always be hatred in the world, it is the job of the US to set the example on how others should function; not at the barrel of a gun, but by living examples.

  5. work together.

  6. 1.) Sunder the world into 4 new worlds (fire,water,stone,air)

    2.) Create a Kickseywinsey machine to supply each realm with another realms raw product.

    3.) Assign a superior Sartan to be in charge of each realm.

    4.) Imprison the Patryns in a labyrinth-like prison to condition them to be more peaceful.

    5.) Abolish the killing of dragons for Dragon-ship parts.

    6.) Free the Dwarves of Arianus (Realm of Air) from slavery and have humans and elves accept their existence in a free realm.

    7.) Don't do business with the serpents.

    8.) Watch out for Lord Xar, for he might seek revenge if he ever gets out the labyrinth.


    10.) Prepare weapons to defend the realms against the serpents (they will be pissed once they realize you wont do business with them).

  7. It only takes one....we should all intermingle. Create one race. Get rid of the free handouts as we would then realize , finally, we are only giving our own money away to ourselves.

  8. Abolish the concept that it is even necessary to 'understand' each other. People don't have to understand or like each other. They do need to respect each other.

  9. Why stop at 10?

    you can begin with:

    Give them free ammunition

    Donate switchblade knives to their church youth group

    Set up a Food Bank to make it easy to stay unemployed

    Have a clothing donation drive for the same reason

    Teach them advanced search and destroy methods

    We can surely help in many other ways!

    I'm sure that Sharpton and Jackson would agree

  10. 1. try their food

    2. date outside of your race

    3. allow them to show their culture

    4. get rid of PC

    5. understand that we can agree to disagree

    6. realize we are different

      7. stop quotas

  11. No one esle can play the " Big Boys " games out there.

    Only the "Big Boys" can solve the mess out there.

    While the games is over.

    Those out there still at loss and blurr out there.

    In time all the dirty old men going to get themselves kick on the butts without being aware of what is waiting for them out there.

    Luke 24.47-49

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