
Describe Your Ideal Learning Environment?

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I thought that it would be fun to brainstorm what the ideal learning environment would be like. Homeschool parents as well as students are encouraged to post.

Feel free to to go outside of the bounds of budget - pretend a willing philanthropist was reading it and was looking for some homeschoolers to give money to. LOL

Make it realistic enough in regards to the nature of learning that it really could work for the brain. In other words, don't say I would invent a brain machine that would just put the knowledge in without effort. Such a device is way beyond any reasonable technology in our lifetimes. But feel free to imagine a technology that could probably be created or be out there already that may make it just the way you wish it would be.




  1. Ah, to be able to dream.  I'd love to be able to travel with the kids and learn world geography, history, politics, etc from the world rather then books.   *sigh*

  2. We are unschooling book junkies. I'd love to have room for all our books. Having a house full of educational resources would be fantastic.  My other wish is to be able to travle more. With such a large family it is difficult. Visiting other countries would be wonderful

  3. Relaxed......proper, cozy lighting, perhaps some aroma candles, light baroque music.

    No teacher, just books-a stack a mile high on every topic imaginable. A journal.  A comfy chair and ottoman with one of those desks I can rollover into my lap if needed. A small, cozy room. A coffee machine. A little area where I can go outside.

    And rainy weather......nothing promotes reading/learning better for me than the right atmosphere!

  4. Well in my experiences homeschooling/unschooling (we kind of do a combination of both) as well as many years previously spent in public school I've determined that I learn best when I have freedom to explore.

    My ideal learning environment would consist of a wealth of reference materials... I'm imagining a personal library in my mind right now. A large room--not so large that things would be difficult to find, but with plenty of space to have a number of projects going on at once without feeling cluttered, and so there is space to get up and move around when you need to. The room would be well organized, but flexible at the same time. The room would be filled with books, videos, and software, all organized in clearly defined areas by subject, but not seperated by walls or anything, so that when subjects can work together (Math/science, English/history, Science/history, and so on) you have easy access to the things you need. There would also be a generous supply of creative materials. Crayons, markers, clay, paint, glitter, string, wooden blocks, poster board, beads, glue, the list goes on. Creative approaches to learning complex concepts using real-life, physical manipulatives is how I learn best. Learning by creating. Learning by doing. And there would always be music playing softly in the room, as this would help me concentrate. My keyboard or my guitar would be close to my main work station so that I could take breaks now and then to unwind and refresh with some of my own music as well. And of course everything I'd need for a class would be right where I need it... Computer, lab equipment, all that fun stuff.

    Really what would be ideal is my own personal workplace where I am surrounded by tools and resources and am completely free to learn, explore, and discover with minimal interference.

  5. A quite room.

    An interesting book or video.

    A new toy that is educational.

  6. my son has autism and he can learn anything in the bathtub yep thats what i said.... it is the sound echo

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