
Describe a recent item in the news U.K, Which concerened or worried you? write min. 250 words, not less then!?

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Describe a recent item in the U.K. News, Which concerened or worried you? write minimum 250 words, not less then it.

What was the artical about?

Why were you concerned or worried?

Did others share your view?

Has there been any feuture developments?




  1. Oh dear.

    Not putting much of any effort into this, are we?

  2. "Concerened", "artical" and "feuture". Hm.

    Nope, I ain't writing anything. I is too intelligent forsooth.

  3. Get stuffed you pleb

  4. How can someone send if were not allowed to email you? Either way Im not doing your homework for you, I tried this one time and no one helped me :(

  5. that the same tumbleweed........................

  6. I have been most concerned about the statement made by the government that standards in Education have been raised in recent years and that students' examination results reflect this.

    As your question demonstrates the knowledge of English has seriously deteriorated. Candidates can no longer spell correctly, they have no idea of grammar and ask questions about the future in the past tense.

    I also have noticed that, instead of trying to do the work themselves, pupils are now posting questions on the net to get other people to do their work for them. This kind of thing has a name, it is called "cheating" and  I am very worried indeed because dishonesty seems to be on the increase.

    It also takes some nerve to ask complete strangers to do the work that as been set for you and present it as your own. There is a proverb that says "He who is able to steal an egg will later steal a bull" and another "Little streams turn into great rivers". If this trend continues we will end with a large population of uneducated people who have diplomas that are not worth the paper that they are written on.

    Many people are also concerned that the internet, instead of simply being a source of information like an encyclopedia, has become a way  for people to by- pass effort and flout rules. They also share my view that standards have deteriorated  but few people have the courage to stand up and admit it.

    As to future developments, unless there is a complete change in government policies regarding the setting and marking of examinations and unless teachers are left to teach instead of conducting tests from which their pupils get no benefits whatsoever, then results will continue being farcically inaccurate and things will  deteriorate even further.

    THERE YOU ARE! Over 250 words, and each question has been addressed. HOWEVER,  if this was meant to be a task set for homework and you hand it in to your teacher, because of the topic and the contents,  he or she will know straight away that it is not your work and will give you no credit for it.

    If you want to use it, it will have to be entirely re-written.

  7. fail.

    way pathetic excuse to try and get homework answers.

    you didn't even try to disguise it.

  8. "concerened" "artical" "feuture"; check your spelling.

    "Has there been any feuture developments?"; check your grammar.

    That's as much as I'm going to contribute to your homework!

  9. ...oh you're really behind with your homework aren't you?  I've just answered the british film question.  

    What have you got planned for today whilst we are doing your homework?

  10. I'm not doing your homework for you.

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