
Describe a social impact of a recent technological advance.?

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I have to do an Presentation. Does anyone have any suggestion of recent technological advances?




  1. rfid and microchip/biochip technology.  

  2. Please visit this site:

  3. swiffer

  4. The advent of technology results from the accumulative effort of many smart and hard-working people around the world with a clear goal to make money and earn fame. General public are the majority to consume the products of high tech and to supply the money to smart and hard-working people to satisfy their need for more money and fame. In addition, high intensity of commercialism and consumerism has outstretched and distorted the truth of value of life. As a result, what people like and want are often NOT what people really need.  In reality, many people are driven crazy by too much immersion in the water of high tech; sure get what you really need only. Otherwise, many may go broken mentally and physically. For more detail, please visit Hopefully, you will discover some ideas for your timely use. Good luck!

  5. Technological advances effecting social impact, well my immediate reaction is texting but also other things such as computers, the iphone, webcams and sites such as stickam that allow video chat, and instant messaging.

    Hope I could help.

  6. Due to digital clocks, when I say turn it clockwise or counterclockwise, I mostly get just stares from a great many people under thirty..  If I say I say Lefty Lucy, Righty Tighty they get it

    When people in the same age group ask me the time I have learned not to say quarter past, half past, or quarter 'til, because most have not a clue.

  7. Cell phones.  Imagine people's lives without constantly texting and calling people.

    Seems like a pretty simple choice.

  8. Its not extremely recent but the birth control pill changed a lot of things in our society relating to s*x and women.

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