
Describe an average The Guardian reader?

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  1. Works for the BBC and votes Labour.

    Believes in political correctness.

    Has low ethical values.

    Cannot tell the difference between right and wrong.

  2. An unbearable cretin.

  3. Cultured, sophisticated, liberal and above-average intelligence.  A bit like me, in fact (long-term Grauniad reader).

  4. Intelligent.

  5. Knit their own sandals, bleat on about human rights and multi-culturulism ~yawn~

  6. Centre or left of centre in politics more open minded than readers of the appalingly parochial Torygraph.


  8. Knuckle scraping, cave-dwelling troll. Oh no sorry, that's a Daily Mail reader.

  9. Afraid of political incorrectness.

  10. Are you thinking socks, sandals and an anorak?

    Well, you are wrong if you are, a cross section of humanity reads The Guardian, or as they once printed it 'The Grauniad' and it has been called the latter for ever more in Private Eye.

    A good newspaper with good reporters and feature writers.  Along with the 'Indy' they are the best!

  11. Left of centre.  Of average or above average intelligence.  Is prepared to be disturbed and challenged by his/her reading material.  Probably active against people trafficking, for fair trade, anti-war.

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