
Describe and discuss 2 enviromental problems associated with nuclear power plants to create electricity.....?

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Describe and discuss 2 enviromental probelms associated with nuclear power plants to create electricity..... what do they mean by discuss?

ramble on about it? LOL




  1. Ramble, ramble, death, ramble, Dounrae workers in concrete dumped at sea, ramble, disc-uss, ramble...

  2. Nuclear power plants use Uranium as source of energy, to collect that uranium, massive excavation and cleaning processes are required, and no matter how careful the excavations are, the process creates some radioactive dust.

    The process only uses about 0.5% of the total weight of Uranium, namely 80% of the 0.7% Uranium 238 isotope, the remains are depleted Uranium, made of nearly 100% Uranium 235 isotope, which is not radioactive, but the samll remains of Uranium 238 in the Uranium rods, make them radioactive Garbage, and require special storage for very long time, since uranium 238 decays very slowly.

    There is always the fear of an accident in a nuclear power plant, resulting in emmission of radioactive dust, which is radioactive and poisonous, and can have and detrimental effect on life in a vast area around the exploded Nuclear plant.

  3. Two primary concerns are the storage of waste products and the discharge of warm water to the environment.

    The waste product of uranium fission has high likelihood of being a radioactive isotope with several decay daughters each with long half lives.  The long term treatment and storage of this radioactive substance is a real problem due to the fact that radiation weakens the structural integrity of any storage container used and therefore increases the risk to the environment.

    Disposing of warm fresh water frequently into brackish or salty bay water destabilizes the natural balance of the local sea life.  It may be great for some species which can thrive in the warmer and less saline water but can upset a balance if a fragile balance exist in the local environment.

  4. hi friend ur qustion is environmental problem ya they are doing best monitoring & miminmize the pllution from nuclear poullution from their sources.


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