
Describe as best as u can...?

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How would u know if someone is from argentina and why?.. how would u describe them?




  1. There is little to no way to determine an Argentinian from a Bolivian or any other country in the Spanish speaking Central/South American areas.

  2. The only way to know from where you are, Argentina, is when you speak. Maradona looks like peruvian, or mexican, or chilean, colombian but when he speaks i exactly know from where he is. Comprendés, che?

  3. You can't tell if someone is from Argentina.  I had a couple of guys in my graduate class from Argentina and I thought they were just Mexicans or perhaps from South America.  The only difference I could tell was their accent when they spoke in Spanish.

  4. I agree you can know if a person is from Argentina only by the way they speak but also by the way the look but you got to be South American to know how to recognize them. Peruvians look diferent than Bolivians and Chileans. We are latins but we dont look the same.

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