
Describe each of the astrology signs in one word?

by  |  earlier

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Just randomly curious to see what people would say =P




  1. Aries ... dominant

    Taurus ... determined

    Gemini ... erratic

    Cancer ... fastidious

    Leo ... flamboyant

    Virgo ... pedantic

    Libra ... difficult

    Scorpio ... vindictive

    Sagittarius ... misunderstood

    Capricorn ... over-achiever

    Aquarius ... complex

    Pisces ... deep

  2. Aries dynamic

    taurus cool

    gemine think

    cancer emotion

    leo ego

    virgo homely

    libra balanced

    scropio mist

    sagittarius fight

    capricorn achive

    aqurius explain

    pisces understan

  3. aries: masculine

    taurus: stubborn

    gemini: talkative

    cancer: moody

    leo: royalty

    virgo: discriminating

    libra: marriage

    scorpio: passionate

    sagittarius: gypsy

    capricorn: money

    aquarius: friends

    pisces: romantic

  4. Aries:  confident

    Taurus:  persistant

    Gemini:  talkative

    Cancer:  moody

    Leo:  arrogant

    Virgo:  organized

    Libra:  balanced

    Scorpio:  suspicious

    Sagittarius:  fun

    Capricorn:  ambitious

    Aquarius:  innovative

    Pisces:  creative

  5. Aries : FUN

    Taurus : Determined

    Gemini : Flighty

    Cancer : Sensitive

    Leo : Enthusiastic

    Virgo : Modest

    Libra : Charming

    Scorpio : Magnimatic

    Sagittarius : Adventurous

    Capricorn : Ambitious

    Aquarious : Friendly

    Pisces : Imaginative

  6. Aries - me    Libra -us

    Taurus - mine  Scorpio - ours

    Gemini - think   Sag - seek

    Cancer - feel   Capricorn - utilize

    Leo - create   Aquarius - know

    Virgo - analyze  Pisces - believe

    Each sign has an opposite which compliments the other.

  7. ok. i hope no one is offended by this. and if you are..then obviously you can't take a good joke.

    aries: aggressive

    taurus: lazy

    gemini: unloyal

    cancer: grouchy

    leo: confident

    virgo: tidy

    libra: flirty

    scorpio: full of themselves(is that one word??)

    sagittarius: silly

    capricorn: mysterious

    aquarius: artsy

    pisces: poetic

    my personal input.

    -cancer w/ aries rising

    puzzled: lol. okay fine. leos arent conceited. instead i'll put confident.

  8. here's one word for all of them:  useless.

  9. aries-- opinionated

    taurus-- stubborn

    gemini-- schitzo?


    leo-- prideful

    virgo-- crazy :)

    libra-- undecided

    scorpio-- possessive

    saggitarius-- free

    capricorn-- nice

    aquarius-- social

    pisces-- chill

  10. Leo's are not conceited, full of themselves?; maybe, well- yes. But not conceited!

  11. Aries: Leader; but can be their fault as well

    Taurus:Sensual; food,sleep,s*x every Taurus enjoys these senses

    Gemini;Two-Faced; but is never boring

    Cancer;Nurturer; every Cancer nurtures something wither it be kids,pets, or a lover

    Leo;Royal; they want to be treated as such and won't let you forget it

    Virgo;Judgmental; this can come in handy or be a horrid trait

    Libra;Indecisive; but thats because they want to make the best decision

    Scorpio;Deep; and i mean it, deep with emotion,passion, and secrets

    Sagittarius;Adventurous; theyre up for anything and always on the go

    Capricorn;Disciplined; sometimes too much

    Aquarius;Detached; can be a pro or con

    Pisces;Sensitive; to the point of empathy or emotional hurt

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