
Describe four subsistence methods, pastoralists, hunter&gatherers, agriculturists, horticulture?

by  |  earlier

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what they do, techniques, tools.......etc




  1. ehm.. do your own homework?

    sorry it just sounds like a homework asignment to me

  2. Pastoralists: nomadic/ scant political structure/ dependent upon animal products more than flesh/ heavy dependency on trade/ little stratification/ often rank societies/ individual ownership of tolls, but expected to let other use freely

    Hunter-gatherers (or food collectors): nomadic/ generally no political structure/ children have more resposibility/ no stratification/ egalitarian/ community property/ small population density/ infrequent food shortages/ minimal trade

    Agriculturalists: Sedentary, permanent/ much political structure/ stratified by class or caste and gender/ large tools, complex tools/ private property ownership/ spend most time in a day on subsistence work/ grow surpluses and trade/ large populations densities/ frequent food shortages/  full time craft specialists

    Horticultarists: semi-nomadic but more sedentary/ small political organization/ women mainly do secondary subsistence work/ private ownership of tools but expected to share/ small or moderate population densities/ none or few craft specialists

    I know I forgot a lot, I'll

    add later

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