
Describe how Hubble’s law is explained as a consequence of the expansion of the universe.

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Describe how Hubble’s law is explained as a consequence of the expansion of the universe.




  1. The fact that we see all other galaxies moving away from us does not imply that we are the center of the universe! All galaxies will see all other stars moving away from them in an expanding universe. A rising loaf of raisin bread is a good visual model: each raisin will see all other raisins moving away from it as the loaf expands.  

  2. Hubble stated that objects traveling at large velocities away from the observer tend to appear redder...this is in itself a application of the Doppler a result, it appaers that all the galaxies are moving away from each other and us very is best explained by the universe expanding like raisins moving away as the dough expands...this is the best analogy I can think of...

  3. AS things move further away they give off a red on the spectrum glass as they move closer they give off a blue this is called the doppler affect . the galaxies are giving a red off so they are moving away from us all of the galaies outside of our families of galaxies . our family of gaxaies keeps together  by gravity but all other families of galaxaies are moving away take 10 balls and put them on a bungie cord apart by a few inches and glue them then strech the bungie cord out ull see the further away balls looks like there moving away faster and the center stays well call the center ball earth so at one point this lead us to believe we were in the middle of the universe now take the bungie cord and grab one end and take ur other hand right beside the center ball and pull it again now it appears the ball which we would call earth is speeding away so now we know we are not at the center and if you were at a far away galaxy it would appear we are moving away  

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