
Describe how dance, French, and music enrich children’s cognitive and emotional development.?

by Guest61564  |  earlier

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describe how dance, French, and music enrich children’s cognitive and emotional development.




  1. Dance and movement develops listening skills, a sense of rhythm, develops motor skills, co-ordination of movement, releases tension ....not sure about French

  2. Then right and left sides of the brain can function more or less independently. creative and analytically so by balancing both sides it will train the brain to become  wired to crosstalk between both sides. This will improve math and creative skills significantly.

  3. It stimulates the left side of the brain which develops a child's learning to a more "whole brain" instead of strictly "right brain" cogntive thought..

  4. Dance makes them use the left side of their brain because its a creative activity. And for younger children hearing the sounds of other languages set off their brains because babies are wired to learn how to communicate with us. Also learning more than one language is great for later in life and can open up many opportunities for your kids.

  5. Learning how to dance teaches children how to move.French gives them more words to use.Music can help happiness.

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