
Describe how effective communication supports all areas of development.?

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in a nursery setting




  1. Communication is the process of sending necessary information, like feelings or ideas, with the view to make them decode our message so that they can fully understand what is being transmitted.

    If there is no barriers in your communication, the message will be effectively transmitted to the other side.

    If the communication is effective you will receive the feed back in time and this can reduce pressure for  you and reduce stress from your patient

    Bongane Sibisi

  2. -Using the correct style of communication for individual children will lead to them understanding eg: do they need small short sentences, open or closed questions, gestures to support concerntration etc. There's no good saying a 2 comman sentence eg: go get you coat then put it on" if child is only like to undertand "get coat".

    -PSE: Social skills...communication practise turn taking eg: listen then respond, listen then respond. It also encourages children to play together and swap ideas, deligate etc.

    -C.L.L: Communication can be verbal, gestured or body language. Encouraging children to communicate outloud means adults can understand the childs though process and hence find out what the child is understanding/doing. Effective communication is also neccessary to get children interested in things like reading and writing. Its no good putting worksheet in front of a 3yr old...adults need to talk to child and get them interested.

    -M.D: Again speaking outloud means we can find what the chidlren are understanding. Also, using the right level of vocab eg does child know what 'subtract' means or is 'take away' more suitable. Also, concepts like ful and empty-can you tell a child or will you need to show them (non-verbal comm) to back it up.

    -PD: Language to name body parts, be able to talk about body eg: when hurt, guarding against child abuse etc. Also communication can be used as part of games like "throw ball", "run fast", "stop" etc.

    KUW: This is where as lot of new words come into it so effective communication is ensuring that child feel safe...good eye contact, get down to their level rather than standing over them etc to make sure they feel trusting and safe to explore.

    Im assuming here that you are talking about the Foundation Stage areas of development-sorry if thats wrong.

    But the main aspects of effective communication is not just with children-staff need to be able to talk and show notes to ensure stability and continuity. Communicate with parents to ensure that we use the childs exsting knowledge and background to make learning relevant and approptiate.

    If this is for an NVQ you may want to get a study guide. I brought mine from Waterstones when I was studying and its a god-send for questions like this! Good luck

  3. Communication needs to be effective that means it conveys your message in such a way that it is understood by the person you are communicating with.


    Social behaviour, good communication allows children to understand how you want them to interact within their peer group

    Communication, by communicating effectively the child understands how to communicate and will copy, ensure clear speech and make sure the child has understood.

    Knowledge and Understanding, clear communication will help the child to make sense of the world around them.

    Physical, watching and listening to an effective communicator will help the child to form words correctly.

  4. Language fires and interconnects neurons.

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