
Describe how rain, sleet, snow, hail, dew, frost, and freezing rain form.?

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  1. Rain: Water vapor condenses around condensation nuclei (such as dust) and falls when the droplet is heavy enough.

    Sleet: Same formation as rain, but it freezes somewhere along its path from the clouds to the ground.

    Snow: Water droplets form and then freezing occurs slowly, allowing for the development of uniquely designed ice crystals know as snow.

    Hail: Water droplets are carried high into the atmosphere by thunderstorm updrafts, which cause them to freeze. Multiple drops tend to freeze together, which is why the diameter of hail can be large.

    Dew: Water vapor on the ground condenses on objects such as blades of grass when the surface temperature is equal to the dew point.

    Frost: Dew forms and then it freezes. This commonly occurs when nighttime radiational cooling drops the ground temperature down enough.

    Freezing rain: Forms and falls as rain. At the surface or near the surface, the temperature is at or below freezing, which causes the rain to freeze on contact.

  2. rain - warm air can contain more water vapour than cold air. as a result. as the air ascends it cools. eventually the air reaches dew-point - that is, it becomes saturated containing the maximum amount of water vapour that it can hold at that temperature. if the air continues to cool beyond the dew point then the water vapour condenses or liquefies around tiny specks of dust or salt in the air. the droplets move around in the clouds and collide and fuse together forming larger and larger droplets. eventually they become raindrops and fall to the ground.

    snow, sleet, frost - snow forms much the same as rain but if the air is cold enough the crystals of ice do not melt as they fall but join together to form snowflakes. sleet is a mixture of snow and rain. there are three kinds of frost, delicate crystallized ice on windowpanes is called h**r frost. glazed frost consists of thick coatings of ice on cold surfaces. rime frost is formed when super-cooled water droplets freeze on contact with cold surfaces. it often occurs when freezing fogs or drizzle blanket the ground.

    dew - moisture deposited on such objects as blades of grass and stones by condensation. the moisture comes from water vapour in the air.

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