
Describe how the evolution of camouflage in animals can illustrate microevolution.

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Describe how the evolution of camouflage in animals can illustrate microevolution.




  1. The bible predicts micro evolution but i would not use that term I would no use macro evolution to  

  2. Microevolution is the study of evolution at the small small scale generation-to -generation level.  Macroevolution is the study of broad longterm evolution.

    In terms of small scale changes that contribute to camouflage, the animal with a coloring pattern that makes it less likely to be seen by predators or prey is more likely to survive and have offspring that inherit the same genes for coloring.

  3. 1.) There's no such thing as "microevolution".  There is only evolution -- nature makes no distinctions as to degree.

    2.) Do your own d**n homework.

  4. Of course small changes are small changes.  So what?  There isn't a special kind of evolution called "microevolution"; that's just something that the neo-creationists have made up.

  5. symantics, symantics. So, if you have a community of moths that live in a forest and have camouflage that match the bark color of the trees, lets say that the ones that survive, the most fit, are blackish. But then the neighboring paper mill adopts unscrupulous environmental practices and emit gray smoke into the surrounding air which cling to the trees and change the overall bark color to grayish rather than blackish.

    The fittest moths that will survive then will be the grayish ones, and blackish ones will die off. This should happen in only a few generations, and there will be a larger population of gray moths than black moths. This is an example of microevolution.  

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