
Describe how you would safely escape from a car that was sinking in deep water?

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Describe how you would safely escape from a car that was sinking in deep water?




  1. Pop on my oxygen mask, calmly unpack my glass cutters, cut out the windshield neatly and cleanly in order to regulate the in-flow of water, remove my shoes and then practise a mean doggy paddle to shore.  Should I find myself too far from dry land, I guess I would have to resort to using my waterproof GPS emergency signalling device in order to alert the Coastguard.  Why, how would you escape? Do you know something I don't?

  2. duh. SUN ROOF!

  3. Wait for the water to totally fill up inside the car before trying to get out. Bust a window if you have to and breathe in the air pocket that will form under the roof of the car. Unfasten your seatbelt once you've hit before the water starts to come in and you should be alright.

  4. well I'd hopefully realize to open the door before it got too deep.  If not, I'd probably take my knife and cut through my window, as I've got a jeep with a soft top.

    I trust myself to be able to get the door open fast enough though, as chances are I'd be going to get it open as soon as we were headed towards the water.

  5. First of all, it's important to stay calm so you're thinking clearly. Then wait for the pressure to equalize. Finally open the door and swim to the surface.

    I think I saw this on the Discovery Channel.

  6. The answers all have possibilities for escape but one thing was left out. THE AIR BAGS. Activate them and you will have some buoyancy and extra air when punctured, if it takes longer to equalize the water pressure.


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