
Describe in detail non-conventional renewable sources of energy available to us.?

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Describe in detail non-conventional renewable sources of energy available to us.?




  1. None

    Conservatives don't like:

    solar- not practical

    Wind-not effective

    geothermic- not practical on a large scale

    Enviromentalists hate:

    solar-process to make panels poluts too much

    hydro-"destroys the environment"

    Wind-"kills too many birds"


    Coal-air polution

    Oil/gas- polution and evil

    Geothermic- destroys habitat

    So there is not one that everybody likes. In fact most of the liberals would rather we go back to the dark ages but not lite fires to keep warm becuase that destroys trees so we can just freeze our butts off in the dark.

  2. Fossil fuels are the best recycle able fuel there is . The plants along with recycling our oxygen is also recycling our fossil fuels. The more CO2 we produce the more food for the plants . If the plants live good we also live good.

  3. heat energy from the earth

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