
Describe one way that helping out at an elementary school contributes to a person's professional growth?

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Describe one way that helping out at an elementary school contributes to a person's professional growth?




  1. Professional growth starts at the early ages of many children. To fulfill such growth very effective and definite, culturing a sense of creativity and innovation would be the best way, I believe.

    However, such senses are varied in every person case by case. We should find what fields the students are mostly interested in, How we can lead them to discover their interests. Most of the time, we have seen that many have their own brilliant talents, yet they have not been much aware of them till their middle age, that is not effective anymore.

    Doing some research on children and carry out results based on their performance and answers to some basic questions could help us find out their elemental talents that they might themselves are not aware of them

  2. Depending on what you do to help out is key. If you are volunteering at your child's school in his/her classroom, that would be considered parental involvement.

    Volunteering at a school where there are low testing scores, children who have problems such as reading, math, and language difficulties would go to show that you are actually interested in teaching and the principal and teachers are more than appreciative for the extra help. This is looked upon as someone who wants to be there and not just looking for a resume' boost.

    If you are considering teaching and have children, start there. It will give you insight on what actually goes on during a typical school day and let you in on what to expect on some level. Also, if you have a preference of grade, volunteer or substitute in this grade and get your feet wet. You can then make an informed decision on whether or not the profession is for you or not.

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