
Describe the Greek God Apollo's personality traits?

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  1.  He is a great god, when respected he can be a great friend. When people are nice to him he can be very kind, friendly and helpful to them. He is wise but in a cheerful way not like the other dull old gods.



  2. all you guys are vary helpfull. thank you all

  3. he was a god who couldnt stand being rejected by a women (lover) and was very very protective of his mother and sister and killed for them. he didnt just like women he also like men.

  4. im am unsure exactly, but most of the time he seems good-hearted and natured, nice, calm, and rewardful god when he is in a good mood but can get violent, harsh, cruel, and unforgiving when he or others pride and or being, are insulted

  5. He was revengful and jealous. but at the same time he was a very proud God and would show anyone he was proud by accomplishing acts of what i call "crazyness" lol

    but anyways he is also caring to his people but will "punish" them if needed

    he has God and Human Traits

  6. Well i know that he is jealous and vengeful like other gods. He is also very protective and honest to a point where he never lied in his entire life. He is also  over protective of his younger sister Artemis.

  7. Well I'm not completely sure but he is proud and vengeful like his sister Artemis. There is a story about a queen named Niobe who boasted she was better than Apollo and Artemis mother because she had more children. Apollo and Artemis got pretty pissed and killed each and every one. Zeus felt a sorry for Niobe and turned her into stone which to this day weeps ( there is a natural rock formation that leeks water and looks a bit like a woman in Turkey)

    He was probably also vain and cruel like many of his family members ( the Greek gods were very inbreed). He also had many lovers both female and male.

  8. He is really friendly, known for killing many mythological monsters.

  9. i think he is kind and caring but idk for sure. i need an answer to. :(

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