
Describe the History of Mankind's use of cosmetics and it's evolution into it's current form?

by Guest32611  |  earlier

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Describe the History of Mankind's use of cosmetics and it's evolution into it's current form?




  1. ditto what s.a. said

  2. The first archaeological evidence of cosmetics usage is found in Ancient Egypt around 4000 BC. The Ancient Greeks and Romans also used cosmetics. The Romans and Ancient Egyptians used cosmetics containing poisonous mercury and often lead. The land of Palestine was influenced by cosmetics as recorded in the Old Testament—2 Kings 9:30 where Jezebel painted her eyes—approximately 840 BC. The Biblical book of Esther describes various beauty treatments as well.

    In the western world, the advent of cosmetics was in the middle ages, although typically restricted to use within the upper classes.

    Cosmetic use was frowned upon at some points in history. For example, in the 1800s, make-up was used primarily by prostitutes, and Queen Victoria publicly declared makeup improper, vulgar, and acceptable only for use by actors. Adolf Hitler told women that face painting was for clowns and not for the women of the Master Race

    By the middle of the 20th century, cosmetics were in widespread use in nearly all societies around the world.

    Cosmetics have been in use for thousands of years. The absence of regulation of the manufacture and use of cosmetics has led to negative side effects, deformities, blindness, and even death through the ages. Examples of this were the prevalent use of ceruse, or white lead, to cover the face during the Renaissance, and blindness caused by the mascara Lash Lure during the early 1900s.They also attached silk or leather with adhesive to cover a blemish.

    The worldwide annual expenditures for cosmetics is estimated at U.S. $18 billion. Of the major firms, the oldest and the largest is L'Oréal, which was founded by Eugene Schueller in 1909 as the French Harmless Hair Colouring Company (now owned by Liliane Bettencourt 27.5% and Nestlé 26.4%, with the remaining 46.1% are publicly traded). The market was developed in the USA during the 1910s by Elizabeth Arden, Helena Rubinstein, and Max Factor. These firms were joined by Revlon just before World War II and Estée Lauder just after.

    Like most industry, cosmetic companies resist regulation by government agencies like the FDA, and have lobbied against this throughout the years.

  3. OK! Here's the true story.

    Cosmetics began about 2 million years ago with Max Factor.

    A couple of decades later some cave man accidentally fermented a bunch of flowers until he had a stinky brown liquid. He then shipped it from Minnesota in 55 gal drums to France where is was clarified, mixed with alcohol so that they could say on the label "Bottled in Paris"

    They could then sell the stuff to unsuspecting, uninformed Americans for big bucks. The rest, as they say, is history!

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