
Describe the dangers to vessels with a follow in sea?

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Describe the dangers to vessels with a follow in sea?




  1. I think you mean a"following sea" which means you have the wind and waves behind you.Many boats can be tricky to handle in these conditions.It makes the stern(back)feel like it wants to slew round or overtake the bow(front) and constant work steering is required.Boats can even "pitch pole" which is when the bow digs in and the vessel flips over the front and capsises,but that's the worst scenario..

  2. The  correct term for this is called Broach or broaching means when the following sea takes over the boat and sinks it, quite common with fishing  boats coming home loaded up  heavy loads.

  3. A following sea is when you are going one direction and the waves are coming up behind you. You have less rudder responce so currents can turn you sideways and a wave can wash over the side and can broach (turn over) the boat. A wave can also wash over the stern and push it down maybe causing a worse capsize. At the lest you can lose some gear or persons off the deck. As you ride up the back of a steep wave you can go straight down the other side and dig the bow underwater. The following sea will then push you end over end causing a pitch pole capsize. This is the worse scenario. Following seas can be dangerous depending on your skill the condition or your boat and local conditions such as winds, current and steepness/height of waves.

  4. I liked the other answers but will add that if ou have a closed cabin with a door or curtain open you can draft in the exhaust.  Carbon Monoxide.  Becareful, you may not die but you'll get a headache.

  5. You must mean following sea. Just had this experience. The two problems we had that day were water coming over the transom could have swamped the boat. And, secondly every time the stern came up the control was gone from the helm. Pretty dangerous situation. I convinced the captain to steer out of this condition and head for the lee.

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