
Describe the effects of the ozone in the lower atmosphere (troposhere).?

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Describe the effects of the ozone in the lower atmosphere (troposhere).?




  1. Ozone in the lower atmosphere(near the earth's surface) is an air pollutant.It is responsible for the formation of smog.It affects the respiratory systmes of animal and human beings and sometimes inhibites the immune systen of our body.It is also considered as a cancer-causing agent.It is responsible for the formation of a substance that blocks the free flow of blood in the blood vessels.

  2. Most (about 90 %) of the ozone in the atmosphere is in the stratosphere, where it plays a beneficial role in regulating solar UV radiation. The rest is in the lower atmosphere. Some of this ozone in the troposphere is leakage downward from the stratosphere. Some of it is generated naturally by lightning. In many urban areas, however, there is a significant problem with too much ozone that is produced as a by-product of air pollution. At concentrations found in many U.S. cities during the summer, ozone is known to reduce the lung capacity of healthy adults; its effects on athsma sufferers can be severe. It is also known to damage crops at high concentrations. Note, however, that the highest ozone concentrations seen during air pollution episodes in urban areas are still far lower than the concentrations of ozone found in the stratosphere. Hence, shipping our bad ozone from down here up to the stratosphere is not a solution

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