
Describe the purpose of the commutator in a DC motor?

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Describe the purpose of the commutator in a DC motor?




  1. To turn AC current into DC current

  2. No, Jimmy K is incorrect. If the motor were being spun by another motor, then the commutator would make the current that would be produced in the rotor coils that is AC in nature, come out as DC. As a motor, the commutator connects the various coils that connect to opposite commutator bars to the DC or AC power source, to make the motor spin. To prove the connection, take a DC motor with a commutator, and with the use of an ohm meter, touch one lead to one commutator bar, and while holding that connection, go around to another bar half way around the commutator, so that you are directly opposite of the first bar, and connect the other ohm meter lead there. You should read about 0 ohms. Each coil set will do the same thing. The brushes connect these coils, one at a time, to the power source, and make the motor turn. A "Universal" motor, is a DC or AC motor, since such a motor has a commutator, and will operate with either power source.

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