
Describe the weirdest dream you have ever had?

by Guest66807  |  earlier

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One that you remember.... keep it




  1. I've had a lot.  I can't remember.

  2. I had a re occuring dream that i was injured/lifeless on a curb and people were passing me by and no one would help.I could not call out. Then one day the dream stopped.

  3. Weirdest dream... let's see. *browsing through collection*

    ah.. here's one

    Okayy, this was a dream that involve bill crosby a scooter, my friends mom, and a shouting match between said mom.

    So anyways in my dream i was riding a scooter on the sidewalk until mr crosby was cruising along in front on his electric chair...

    he was going pretty slow so i decided to come up from behind to go in front. The suddenly my friends mom drives up in a minivan, yelling "how dare you cut in front of BILL CROSBY!!!"

    Let's just say i was very mad at that, and i went to their house just to get in a fight with her. Then I woke up, all confused and still angry. =P

  4. Dreamt of a man standing beside my bed wasnt really a man but it was his gender he was a black mist, told me nothing just took my school pencil and left >.<

  5. seeing a old friend of the family that isn't living anymore telling me happy birthday on my birthday and wearing white she was upset about her daughter and wanted ME to tell her daughter to leave her husband that he was cheating on her and he is....

  6. I've had some pretty messed up dreams..The first dream I can remember was scary, I was about four years old, and I dreamed that king kong came to my house, kidnapped me, and kept me prisoner at a cave....My dad had let me watch king kong w/ him!! LOL

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