
Describe to me your worst cleaning nightmare and how you resolved it ?

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Describe to me your worst cleaning nightmare and how you resolved it ?




  1. When my son was first born, I woke up at 3 in the morning to make him a bottle. I put formal in the bottle, and forgot the nipple, I shaked it and it went all over the kitchen. It was a lumpy, stinky mess, and I was still half asleep. It took me an hour to get it scrubbed off the floors, walls, and the counter. I never did that again though!!!!!!

  2. Early summer my kitchen was smelling extremely "high" and I couldn't find the cause. Every day the smell got worse - the hotter the day the more powerful the smell. Eventually I emptied the entire fridge & found a leaking milk container had dripped milk underneath the salad/veg box so I emptied the entire fridge and cleaned it out thoroughly then replaced all items.

    The smell got worse & worse as each day went by.

    I inspected & cleaned out all cupboards; lifted the carpeted areas - still I could find nothing. It reached the point where all doors & windows had to be open during the day or I couldn't use the kitchen at all.

    A friend suggested that I might have dropped something behind the fridge. We pulled out the fridge but couldn't see anything.

    I noticed that the smell was strongest when the fridge was out of position so I knelt down & looked at the rear of the fridge.

    The fridge was a self-defroster - and the tray behind the fridge was full of almost solid, festering creamy totally yuck milk! ! !

    How did I resolve it? Since I was retching so much I couldn't do a thing so my friend cleaned it out. It took about an hour.

    Best wishes. UK

  3. I exploded a bottle of soda in the living room. I had to get the carpet cleaned because dirt stuck to all the sticky sugar no matter what I did! I also had a 'science project' happen in my fridge when something went rotten. It was so bad I just threw out the entire bowl!

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