
Describe why ancient greek society found solace in its myths?

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Describe why ancient greek society found solace in its myths?




  1. Who writes and sets these assignment questions?

    I doubt the Romans or Greek "found solace" from their myths.

    Myths are stories. They're not meant to be comforting or comfortable! Unless perhaps in the sense of providing answers to questions about origins or providing comfort by reflection on the thought ... "thank whatever I didnt do that and the gods arent smiting me!"

  2. They (the myths) explained how the world worked and also provided a basis for faith in the afterlife, not to mention social structure. Basically, everything our religions do for us today.

  3. Because for ancient Greeks - these were not myths --  it was their religion - their truth of the world around them.  This belief system lasted at least 1,000-1,500 years.  

    Just like any of present day religions --  their "faith and truth" may turn into myths in another 2,000 years.   What is the story of Adam and Eve but a creation myth to rival any ancient one?

    ADDED:  Upon reflection - it sounds like an essay question (that dreaded word "Describe" gives it away).  So - cite examples -- an earthquake hits and half your village is buried and killed.  It was the wrath of Poseidon for some imagined slight.  They village can offer sacrifices and the god may not strike again.  The 4 seasons are explained via the tale of Hades & Persephone.  The sun is actually Helio's chariot driving across the sky.  All is explained and ritualised and secure.

  4. Because their myths gave them answers to the mysterious happenings around them.  When someone needed explainations, a new story was created.  Satisfaction.

    The human mind craves knowing about everything.  When the mind does not know and cannot find out, it creates the most likely of reasons and goes with it.

  5. im going to answer your question with another. Why do Christians take solace in the Bible? not exactly the same thing, but you get my point. they found comfort because to them, the myths were their religion. there was no one god to trust, but many. they believed these stories to be true just as Christians believe the Bbile to be true.



  7. You asked a good question but you have to understand that the entire Greek society was built on myths... And the people depending on those myths to help them was one of the majors reason the Roman were able to defeat them for while they were waiting for some of those pagan Gods to help them the Roman over ran them and brought an end to the Mighty Greek Empire..... And some of the first questions that the Roman asked the Greek Army was where were you God when you needing them the most... And soon after that The Roman started renaming the Greek Gods the same way that the Greeks started re-naming the Egyptian Gods after they defeted Egypt.............. So the Egyptians and the Greeks and The Romans found Solace in the Myths and their choosen Gods................. Which led to all of their downfalls.................

  8. i actually think that their myths are pretty wise.  there kinda like Jesus' parables.  they're used to guide people.  you've gotta read between the lines.

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