
Describe your ideal first date!

by  |  earlier

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What do you do, where do you go and what do you talk about?

And what's your sign?




  1. go into Melbourne, hang around and do something fun. talk about whatever it is that we have in common. maybe go to a movie.

    technically I'm an Aries but I'm closer by nature to a Pisces (March 21).

  2. I'm a Cancer. My ideal first date is to be taken to a nice reasurant with good food and good drinks. I would like to talk about him, find out who he is. What his interests are, I like intelligent men who don't mind that I like metaphyics and do tarot and things of that nature. I would prefer for the reasurant not to be noisy but if it is maybe we could go out for coffee after dinner or ice cream if its hot out. Then and I know this sounds bad but if we had a good time and I put all the cards on the table, I would like to take him home and have some fun! ;p !!!!  

  3. He took me out for dinner after he tease me a lot. We talk about food and he let me taste his food and i let him taste my food lol. We still do if we going out for dinner.

  4. Dinner is good in a quiet place to get a chance to talk and get to know each other better.

    Typical quesions: have you been married, any children. I like to find out what thier pet peeves are ( it gives me an idea of their morals)

  5. something simple ....somewhere you can talk, but have something else to walk on the beach, a party, coffee you need time to get to know one about your interests, goals etc.


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