
Describes the events in the lifecycle of a sun like, average star.?

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Describes the events in the lifecycle of a sun like, average star.?




  1. Same as any life cycle. They live hit a peek (For them it's heat) then dye and become cold rocks (that's pretty much their form of decomposing).

  2. The sun, is just like any other star, but it is in a different part of it's life. Here is how it forms, lives, and dies.

    1.swirling nebulae of dust and gas are the nurseries of stars. Often, they are themselves the ashes of earlier generations, cooked and spewed out from short-lived, massive stars.

    2. knots form in the gas as gravity pulls it together. As the gas compresses, it begins to heat up.

    3. The gas begins to spiral in a disk. The protostar expels jets of gas from its poles.

    4. Nuclear fusion begins in the hot core. Gas is expelled in a wind that blows away the dust.

    5. Finally, the star begins to shine steadily.

    6. Many young stars will shine blue hot. (that is right, BLUE hot).

    7. After time, the star begins to cool to a natural yellow, this is known as the main sequence. This is a fixed relationship between the temperature and brightness of most stars.

    8. The star begins to use up all of its hydrogen in its core, and eventually runs out completley. As it stars to run out, it becomes redder and expands, and becomes a red giant.

    9. When it does run out, it either sheds it's outer layers and becomes a white dwarf. Or, it collapses in on itself and becomes a whit dwarf. Or, it will explode in a massive fireball called a supernova. And sometimes, if it is large enough, it will go hypernova, which is when a star goes supernova and has a gamma ray burst as well.

    10. The remnants of the star become heavy elements and then form us. (Humans are made of heavy elements).

  3. theres the birth of a star from a cloud of gas, then the star burns till all thats left is the core then it turns into a white dwarf then into a black dwarf.

  4. It all starts with a cloud of gas.

    Due to gravity the clouds will start to shrink. In the core density and temperature will become high enough so that nuclear fusion can start. Hydrogen will be converted into Helium. The "burning" of Hydrogen produce a counter pressure to gravity that will stop the gas cloud from further shrinking. The gas cloud becomes a stable star. This is the present state of our Sun.

    After billions of years, when most of the Hydrogen fuel in the core has been used, fusion stops and the star begins to shrink again. The core will heat up further and other fusion reactions become possible.

    In this stage the star is called a red giant. The star here is much bigger than it was initially. In the giant stage our Sun will expand to the size of the orbit of the Earth.

    History repeats: when the red giant star runs out of fuel again, the shrinking continues. This contraction heats up the core of the star enough so that the heavier elements can be made. When the star runs out of this type of fuel, it has neared the end of its life.

    The star begins to throw off layers because it can't support them anymore. This is called a planetary nebula. The core of the star becomes a white dwarf. This is an extremely dense star the size of a planet. Finally, when the white dwarf has used all its energy, it stops shining and becomes a "black dwarf", a dead star. This is expected to be the final state of our Sun.

    For stars with higher masses than the Sun (up to about 40 times greater), the outer layers of the star may explode. This is a supernova. This type of star collapses down to a very compact size. Depending on the initial mass of the star, this may be  a "neutron star" or a "black hole".

  5. the sun is a star just like the other ones in the sky at night. it formed around the same time as all the rest did. the sun may seem like the brightest, but its not, it only appears that way bc the other stars are farther away from earth.

    hope this helped

  6. Stage 1- Stars are born in a region of high density Nebula, and condenses into a huge globule of gas and dust and contracts under its own gravity.

    Stage 2 - A region of condensing matter will begin to heat up and start to glow forming Protostars. If a protostar contains enough matter the central temperature reaches 15 million degrees centigrade.

    Stage 3 - At this temperature, nuclear reactions in which hydrogen fuses to form helium can start.

    Stage 4 - The star begins to release energy, stopping it from contracting even more and causes it to shine. It is now a Main Sequence Star.

    Stage 5 - A star of one solar mass remains in main sequence for about 10 billion years, until all of the hydrogen has fused to form helium.

    Stage 6 - The helium core now starts to contract further and reactions begin to occur in a shell around the core.

    Stage 7 - The core is hot enough for the helium to fuse to form carbon. The outer layers begin to expand, cool and shine less brightly. The expanding star is now called a Red Giant.

    Stage 8 - The helium core runs out, and the outer layers drift of away from the core as a gaseous shell, this gas that surrounds the core is called a Planetary Nebula.

    Stage 9 - The remaining core (thats 80% of the original star) is now in its final stages. The core becomes a White Dwarf the star eventually cools and dims. When it stops shining, the now dead star is called a Black Dwarf.


    The Life of a Star of about 10 Solar Masses

    Massive stars have a mass 3x times that of the Sun. Some are 50x that of the Sun

    Stage 1 - Massive stars evolve in a simlar way to a small stars until it reaces its main sequence stage (see small stars, stages 1-4). The stars shine steadily until the hydrogen has fused to form helium ( it takes billions of years in a small star, but only millions in a massive star).

    Stage 2 - The massive star then becomes a Red Supergiant and starts of with a helium core surrounded by a shell of cooling, expanding gas.

    The massive star is much bigger in its expanding stage.

    Stage 3 - In the next million years a series of nuclear reactions occur forming different elements in shells around the iron core.

    Stage 4 - The core collapses in less than a second, causing an explosion called a Supernova, in which a shock wave blows of the outer layers of the star. (The actual supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxy for a short time).

    Stage 5 - Sometimes the core survives the explosion. If the surviving core is between 1.5 - 3 solar masses it contracts to become a a tiny, very dense Neutron Star. If the core is much greater than 3 solar masses, the core contracts to become a Black Hole.

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