
Desi girls are so stuck up?

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I'm I the only one who notices that preppy indian girls are so self centered, and i hate it because i grew up with that S**t everytime in school and even in family, and i still see it happening. Even white preppy stuck ups aren't as bad. If I look at em, or just talk to em, they tend to just walk away, or think they're all that and shout and yell everywhere they go, its fuhking annoying, thats why i say latina and whites are good to go =P

If ur BROWN and fuhking know what im talking about, lemme know whats up.




  1. Guest55751

     they are very stuck up and rude.i hate them b*****s.

  2.  i have delt with thousands of women and by far indian are the worst.even the ugly ones..but its not their fault totally.its the indian/asian men to blame who l**k their a*s and rape dem with attention and lie to them tellin them how hot they are when they are not because they think it will get them a b*****b.. because of that the indian women develop big egos and let it get to their head...s**t i tried saying hi to my cousin sister recently on twitter and she treated me likr a stranger who was trying to hit on her.. it hurt me because i have not hung out with her in 10years and i used to love her an her sister somuch.. i was the only guy who let the girls hang out with us guys and i wud give them pigybacks and yh..i missed them days...but she threw it in my face... i was so shocked..and its not just her...her sister is the same and every other female cousin...


    desi women are the worst..espically online..i cant even say hi to them without them assuming i want them..amd whats worse is because im a goodlooking guy...once they find out how i look..EVERYAINLE ONE OF THEM PLAYS HARD TO GET WITH ME...and that has made ot impossible for me to have desi female friends.... and u know.. u sumtimes need a girl to talk to...u no...sumtimes thers stuff u cant say to guys....  hmmm ohh well

  3.  6 generations african

    ancestors from india

    glad my great grandfather's grandfather moved

    wouldnt wanna grow up with those indians

    =l..... who think "being fair is attractive, being dark is ugly" and they so up themselves, for GOD KNOWS WHY,

    =/... sometimes i wonder if im the only desi girl who isn't such a b***h

  4. I do think indian girls are stuck up. they seem to think they are beautiful(when clearly they are not-Spanish girls are the hottest). Indian girls think that any guy who speaks to them fancies them, thats probably why they come across as stuck up. They are veryyyy insecure and have a S****y personality. I cant ever remember having an intelligent conversation with an indian girl, its usually about how good looking they are. They dont seem to care about anyone else but themselves. Even the ugliest indian girl would expect to date a very handsome guy, and if the guy is average they knock em down. They have hair in undesirable places and smell. Im indian myself and I cannot say I will ever want to date an indian girl, im gonna stick to my whites and europeans. I think indian girls shoudd take a long hard look in the mirror and reconsider going to the Miss World competitions!!!! work on the personality too aswell as the grooming issues. Peace out

  5. They are verrry stuck up.. i've had many experiences with "desi" indian girls. Most of them, no all of them are not attractive and they act like they are queens of the world. dont get me wrong, they showw off a lot, like iphone or fancy car keys n stuffs like that. which makes them super annoying!
    they cant stand watchin me date other girls. Probably jelousy? idk.. but what ever it is, they are stupid. what i'd do to get rid of them........

  6. Awww c**p...I guess what you're saying is not completely untrue. A lot of indian girls are very conscious of their image. Or just shy...I am an indian girl. Partly from india and I've lived in different parts of the world. Dude, just look for the ones who have been exposed to western culture for longer. U'll be alright. They can be good friends and girlfriends just like any other race of girls! I don't think all guys are hitting on me or anything. But I get so shy! My silence along with probably my colour and the fact that I'm not terrible looking makes it appear that I'm stuck up. This sucks! Plus I will be attending uni in the UK soon, and I don't know what people will think of me.. =( ...Help!

  7. Hey mate... I would've been able to answer your question even better had you given me more info on which group of Indian girls are you talking about here- 2nd generation Indian americans(the ones from Asia not the tribe as in Red Indians) or do you mean Canadian Indians, British Indians or lols Indian Indians...
    Anyhow, I'll assume u mean American Indians as I figure u might be from the N.American continent as the term "brown" I think is mostly used over there for Indians..and not so much here in Europe...
    To begin with I am a British Indian girl and I've seen that most of of my other Indian friends (both guys and girls) are quite approachable and very few tend to come across as stuck up biyatches...! Also depends how the girl's been brought up- as in if her parents are filthy rich and she's spoilt rotten then chances are she will be an utter displeasure to deal with (can be the case with girls of any other ethnicity-even white n hispanic if they are brats)
    Another thing can be the image of other Indians which has been sub-consciously projected by her immediate family during her childhood- U might realise that mostly Indians do not like/or have harsh judgements about other Indians for irrelevant reasons.....So that can play a role...
    Anyhow, speaking from experience all Indian girls whom I knew while I lived in NYC for 3 years were OK...they were a bit stuck up..perhaps because they felt pressured to come across as that or else they won't be lusted for by guys as the "unachievable thing" - lols in their own words that is. May be such vanity is consuming them and incessantly compels them to behave in such a way.
    Hope that answered ur question

  8. I don't know but it seems that way most of the time.

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