
Desktop PC won't start. It cuts off before booting up Windows. Smells like something electrical is burnt?

by  |  earlier

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For the past 4 months starting my PC was like firing up a coal fire. I had to press the button 100 odd times before it came to life. That was that.

I went away for 6 weeks and now that i've come back it starts fine but after the first page of bios it dies. Then it doesn't start at all.

I thought dust was the problem so i blew away every spec of dust inside it. I tried again and it didn't work. My PSU has a blue LED inside and it started going dim and flashed on and off. So did the LEDs on my keyboard. Then eventually it would die yet again.

This is so frustrating. Can anyone suggest any thing please.

Thanks in advance




  1. Jung is correct: you need a new power supply, not just new fans.  You may also bring your current power supply (it's the box in the corner of the inside of your comp with a huge tangle of wires hanging out of it) to a computer specialist store and have them test it to make sure it's working properly.  

    If you really think the fans are a problem, open the side of your computer and watch them run.  does one of them not spin like it should? It may need to be replaced!

    Also know that when your computer is overheaded, it causes the metals inside to expand.  this is BAD for every aspect of your computer, with all the chips and connectors and things.  You may cause damage to your computer if you let it overheat too much.

    An edit for an edit:  Are all your computer's parts 100% compatible with another?  A computer should not just shut down like that for any reason.

  2. you obviously discovered what makes electronics work: smoke. Because, when the smoke leaves, it doesn't work anymore.  

  3. Hi Tom

    First thing to do is change the power supply. It costs around $20. I suspect that is the problem. It may overheat, or doesn't supply th proper wattage or the fan is not running good enough to cool the system inside which accounts for that smell.

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