
Desktop computer system with laptop?

by  |  earlier

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I was wondering if I can hook my laptop up to my desktop computer system.... my laptop doesnt have all the microsoft programs I need but i don't have a monitor for my desktop system. Hmm... if you need any more information in order to answer then question, let me know or email me. thanks!




  1. you can get a cable to attach the monitor (laptop) to the desktop, so the stuff on the desktop shows up on the laptop

  2. No, you can't do this. The laptop is a separate device from the desktop. If you has a monitor, you could connect it to the laptop, but that's about it. the only other way you couls connect them would be by sharing the disks on your network (if you have one) so you could attatch to them on the laptop.

    However, this doesn't mean the applications would run on the laptop, since they were installed to run on the desktop.

  3. lots of different ways to do this

    i am always amazed at how some people answer on yahoo answers as if they were experts and there was only one answer possible - theirs , or the d-link router they bought

    different ways to do this

    1) you can control your desktop computer from your laptop

    - install vnc   on both computers ( i am assuming that they are connected to a router - wireless or otherwise)

    install the server on the desktop

    install the viewer on the laptop

    or if you want to install both on both computers ( full install)

    by typing in the ip address of the other computer on your home network - you will have full remote access to computer number 2

    you can use network magic to easily list the ip of the other computer

    it will be on the network map

    for example if  a linksys router was used - the internal ip

    might be

    you would type that in - and the chosen password in the vnc viewer and  wham you have full control and the screen of computer number 2 to use those programs

    2) you can create shared folders on your network to share files

    either you can share files , the premium version of network magic will do that ( the free is fine for above)

    or you can create a hamachi sharing  network

    that way you can share data even when you are away from home with your laptop

    actually if you set up a hamachi network ( and their is a free version) it will go right through your router easily

    that means you can control the one desktop at home with vnc remotely

    It is a bit more complex is there is more than one computer at home at the home network

    In this case if you have the laptop away - there will be only the desktop

    assuming that it is powered on

    if you have dsl make sure the router does not power down on inactivity

    ( its a setting)

    hamachi is zero con-fig and secure

    zero con-fig means it is very easy to set up

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